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!!! BAD SUPPORT !!! Who have the same experience ?

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  • #620451

    Iam very angry about Europartners !!!

    Angry about the Support (not available per Telephone )

    I wrote maybe 6 e-mails to different Europartner e-mail adresses , no answer , no response of any e-mail !!!

    Since the software update in June 2009 iam also missing 20-30 real-money Player in my Statistic .

    The Cashier option also had never Worked correct .

    Anybody here have the same experience ?


    i didn’t even read your post, just the title
    yes…they are bad….


    oyropa – have you tried contacting Robin? She has been responsive whenever there were any issues raised in the past by CAP members.

    I believe everyone is just getting back from LAC, so expect a response from Robin soon if you’ve already e-mailed her. Otherwise please PM Yvette and she will put you in direct contact and help get this issue resolved for you.


    I send robin on 12.1 and 18.1 a mail ….. no response no reaction !!!


    Have you had any luck? I too have an issue regarding an outstanding payment from November, but I’ll give support and my aff manager a chance to respond to my numerous requests before I unload on here….

    I’m gutted, this is the 1st problem I’ve ever had in 4 years with these guys, hoping it will be resolved :wink-wink


    Never had a problem with Europartners and my support is very good! Try to contacting your personal account manager, I’m sure your issue will be solved soon!


    @oyropa 215655 wrote:

    I send robin on 12.1 and 18.1 a mail ….. no response no reaction !!!

    … but i have now a new affiliate manager and goog contact at the moment…

    i hope it will be also in the future ….


    @dfiocch 215865 wrote:

    Never had a problem with Europartners and my support is very good! Try to contacting your personal account manager, I’m sure your issue will be solved soon!

    I have a great relationship with EP too. my support is very good and payments too.


    Get my january statement …..

    no problems more….


    Problem is being resolved, EP have never let me down before so I’m sure this will be sorted too :)


    I have never had a problem with Europartners. They have always been responsive and courteous.


    I’m pretty new.

    I hope there solid and responsive.


    @AK 218822 wrote:

    I’m pretty new.

    I hope there solid and responsive.

    Just prey to God you get a decent Affiliate manager. If you do not your screwed.

    50% of them are gone after a few months. You’ll be shifted to a new one. Then the cycle repeats itself.

    I like Europartners when they work – stats for example. And when you get a decent affiliate manager who cares. Hard to get that though.

    Best bet any issue you have contact Marc or Robin and hopefully you get a reply…

    I am still waiting for a month for certain things. And my AM could give a shxx about our account.



    Thanks for the response.

    Is [email protected] a good one? :rollover:


    Hi Ak,

    I really do not know. Maybe they are new. I guess time will tell. Hopefully they stick around for a while. So far i have had maybe 5 Ams to date. Each time a new learning curve happens.

    I completely gave up already. Working on possibly getting rid of them soon. Since they dont give a fxxk.

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