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Australian offline advertising

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  • #588473

    Is it il/legal to advertise gambling sites offline in Australia? I’d like to do a gambling site with a local feel about it, so advertising on posterboards, newspapers blah blah blah… Is that OK or not? I know the golden rule is always consult an attorney but if anyone has a general idea of the laws it would be appreciated.


    Pretty sure it is still illegal for an Australian entity to target Australians for online gambling purposes. I read the Interactive Gambling Bill 2001. It was passed as legislation later that year. Here’s a link:$file/InteractGamb01.rtf

    Happy reading and I suggest you have a strong cup of coffee first. Reading legislation rates up there with watching paint dry if you ask me.

    Here’s another one that might summarise it. I haven’t read it.


    I recieved an emial from one of my Australian affiliate managers I deal with awhile back. I forgot what it said as far as poker casinos; but, do remember what it said as far as sportsbetting. In sportsbetting Australian casinos can’t accept wagers online from australians, one millian dollar fine. However, they can take those bets over the phone.

    If you want I can ask my affiliate manager for more information on the subject and post his response here.


    Thanks for the info guys. Onto the next idea then…

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