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November 29, 2012 at 3:06 pm #629117
MemberWell Microsoft certainly think you are and have launched a new ad campaign to hi-light their concern. http://scroogled.com
November 29, 2012 at 3:22 pm #830187misswigg
MemberClever Ad!
November 30, 2012 at 10:49 am #830205Anonymous
InactiveAwesome Ad. I love it
November 30, 2012 at 1:16 pm #830208abbykung
MemberI think everyone is getting scroogled to a certain extent lol I guess if Google aren’t screwing you, then Microsoft will, or Facebook (in the near future) :tongue:
November 30, 2012 at 2:49 pm #830211Anonymous
Inactivethat ad made the news.
December 1, 2012 at 6:25 pm #830232gokken
MemberI’m not only getting Scroogled but being scroogled BIG time.
What gets me, the sites which Google claims were targeted in their alog changes, to clean-up their index, have in fact been rewarded. Where as sites who stick to the rules have been penalised.
One site which is a glorified doorway page, with only one page, holds numberous spot 1 positions within my targeted phrases, including online pokies. Taking a quick look at their backlinks shows nothing but blog spam, guestbook entries and FFA link sites. Yet this site is number 1 in Google.
Give me a F’ing break, what a sham!
If it wasn’t for the 1000’s of long tails my sites have acquired over the years, or the healthy player bases I have at my major casinos, I’d be in dire straits about now.
December 1, 2012 at 8:28 pm #830240CasinoSasa
MemberAnd this is from Microsoft who are deliberatly attempting to crush the small time affiliate by introducing a cookie blocking feature which is turned on automatically in I.E 10.. meaning most people will not know it’s turned on and so no-one will get comissions from anything.. Yeah nice microsoft.. dunno about scroogled.. But I would definitly say were all going to be bingoed
December 2, 2012 at 9:05 am #830252gokken
Member@societyofslots 247490 wrote:
And this is from Microsoft who are deliberatly attempting to crush the small time affiliate by introducing a cookie blocking feature which is turned on automatically in I.E 10.. meaning most people will not know it’s turned on and so no-one will get comissions from anything.. Yeah nice microsoft.. dunno about scroogled.. But I would definitly say were all going to be bingoed
The phrase, “better the devil you know”, comes to mind here.
This ad while it’s very well designed and thought out, its payload is obvious. However if Microsofts drive is to challenge Google, and it actually wins, what next, another monopoly?
December 2, 2012 at 2:08 pm #830254Anonymous
Inactive@societyofslots 247490 wrote:
And this is from Microsoft who are deliberatly attempting to crush the small time affiliate by introducing a cookie blocking feature which is turned on automatically in I.E 10.. meaning most people will not know it’s turned on and so no-one will get comissions from anything.. Yeah nice microsoft.. dunno about scroogled.. But I would definitly say were all going to be bingoed
its actually a do not track (dnt) flag bit sent as part of the header. It’s either a binary 1 or 0 or null never changed.
so the program or website would have to specifically read the flag bit from the header stream and then decide based on the state of the flag whether or not to write the cookie.
In other words, just checking the box in IE won’t stop the cookie from being written as a feature of the browser, it merely indicates the flag status.
Many shopping carts use cookies to keep track of purchases, carts would be rendered useless overnight if the browser blocked the cookie data from being written based on the dnt setting.
December 2, 2012 at 3:41 pm #830256TP2112
Member@AussieDave 247507 wrote:
The phrase, “better the devil you know”, comes to mind here.
Nothing to add…
December 2, 2012 at 3:46 pm #830257TP2112
Member@AussieDave 247482 wrote:
What gets me, the sites which Google claims were targeted in their alog changes, to clean-up their index, have in fact been rewarded. Where as sites who stick to the rules have been penalised.
Big link buyers, “links schemers”, extremely interlinked networks, keywords stuffers…
Spots #1, #3, #4, #6… for big money keywords. :rasta:
You’re note alone, Dave. I’m with you… nowhere to be found! :drunk2:
Dave (me too).
December 2, 2012 at 5:41 pm #830264seedingltd
MemberAt first I thought you were hitting on me as Scroogled sounds dirty…This was new to me so thanks for the post. Yeah Google literally did the opposite of what they said, but I don’t,t have 1,000s of anything including long tail keywords.
December 2, 2012 at 10:47 pm #830268Anonymous
InactiveDidn’t / doesn’t bing utilize Google results to construct their own? IMO it doesn’t matter who the top dog is -they will both screwgle us at some level!
December 3, 2012 at 8:56 am #830272funalice2003
MemberI loved the subject of this post… perfect words… ahahaha
December 3, 2012 at 4:25 pm #830283gokken
Member@clara.affactive 247534 wrote:
I loved the subject of this post… perfect words… ahahaha
Aside from the damage this can do, I had a chuckle too clara.
I came up with a few lame lines:
- It’s been ages since I’ve has a good scroogling!
- Go and get scroogled!
- Ahhhh zip it, you’ve got a scroogle loose!
If anyone else can add to the list, you know what to do