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Are you a blackhatter targeting GamesandCasino?

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  • #687601

    Man thats a whole lot scraping going on. I think Dominique is a little pissed off so would I.

    If I could add one thing to contribute a little, do not screw with people who know more than you. Scrapers are parasitic idiots worth no more than a woodtick, blood suckers.



    Not surprisingly, shows up on a lot of these sites.

    Looking at some, I found some blog spam linking to gamesandcasino x
    – looks like they’ve scraped a lot of content from many sites there.

    Should be easy to get rid of this one, at least, msn hosted.


    oh yes, they scraped from a lot of us.

    You should do the same seach for your own sites. Then skip a few pages. Then start looking and if you’ve been hit you’ll see them there.

    Type in:

    my site “”


    best casino deals “”

    exactly with quotes and all.


    mmm … I did a google search on using that method.

    I got an original “hit list” of around 150,000 supposedly but when clicking on the pages it ends after 15 pages (all the rest are similar).

    70% are link lists I’ve never heard of the sites but they are functioning links so OK …
    5% are rip-offs taken from search engine directories (like Dominique has found)
    20% seem to be dead and direct me straight back to google.


    HEY! Go after my content theifs!
    Please drop me a line on how to find and go after them.


    I will be very clear or try. If you have a affiliate website no matter who you are you are being ripped off.

    The funny thing is this is the internet. I have said this once before, money does not discriminate against the rich and the poor on the internet. The only discrimination is
    knowledged based. Therefore, even though one may have alot of financial resources at their disposal does not make them immune to a person who knows the interent. In the words of my close friend “I will reach into my moniter and rip the fucking site out”. This fellow just so happened to be one of contributers to Linux. Is he rich no, the only interest is victory, finding solutions to problems. Is the person who developed Linux rich, no. They do the work because they can.

    Its fine to build to be a website and most aren’t interested into learning the net.
    Its okay not to do so, but when shit flys into your face, I prey you know what to do.

    Google search is not the only engine around, What about, Vivisimo, Yahoo, MSN,, Iwon, ect…

    Dom checked out one “Google” now multilply his findings by 100 and that should give a good approx value of the magnitude of the scraping going on. Imagine the lost earnings and rankings? Completely absurd and disgusting and Dom is right the days are numbered for these thugs.!greek39 And for you scrapers watching, 23 45 !fku 56,^SY&912, fff tag cpack/klo look it up.

    I quess thats all I have to say and good luck Dom! Its nice too see you taking action.

    Dominique wrote:
    This is page 8 of a search:

    If you own this x

    or this x

    or this

    I don’t understand? What are they doing that affects you?

    I’m not trying to be smart, I honestly have no idea nor do i understand this thread.

    Can it be explained for a dummy.



    All of the 30,000 some sites to follow use some part of my site or optmization to place their own rankings on.

    This gives me bad backlinks, in some cases they are using me for blog spamming and god knows what all.

    This is not the worst of it, I am going to just post a bit about it here and there so you guys can find out if you are in the same boat.

    If you follow all the links I have put in this thread, you will understand a lot about the problem.

    I have hired people to help with this and it will be a slow and steady progress. There is a lot I won’t say publicly so I don’t compromise the research and the subsequent elimination of this stuff.

    There are just a handful of people making much of a difference there, and some of them are reading this. It is for them I started this thread – time to look for a different playground. I am going to sour your income in this one. :banger:

    No more Mr. Nice Guy! (Or Ms. Nice Woman as the case may be.)


    More now than before. I gather the blog was attacked somehow before… The stats dropped by 5000 or so uniques a month for the last 2. Thats 60k in a year.




    I have seen both of these url’s in my stats before, seems like I was advertising with I believe goclick, is that an explantion? If not, I’m just as screwed as you only to a much lesser degree. I’m not sure what the term “blackhatter” is but I am getting the jist of it.:omg:


    joeyl wrote:
    More now than before. I gather the blog was attacked somehow before… The stats dropped by 5000 or so uniques a month for the last 2. Thats 60k in a year.


    Your blog?

    What are they doing to it, do you know?

    You better find out and report to google!

    Kitty, this is an older thread. The attacks on my site have since stopped.


    Not sure. Webscaz mentioned it a while back. Since then the stats have dropped. Maybe it is unrelated. I am no expert in these matters.


    Webzcas mentioned what a whle back?

    I want tohelp but not sure what we are talking about there except that it sounds pretty bad.

    Your blog is a nice one and I link to it from a couple of spots..


    There were a load of sites that captured text and then linked to the blog allover the place by the thousand. I suspect it did not affect adversely the serps rankings. I think it did maybe affect the stop-press index for new subjects. Almost impossible to prove and just ends up “a feeling” based upon the “usual” site traffic.


    Ah, that was the 888 revenge campaign.

    That has stopped now, and if you can figure out what they screwed up and fix it, you should be fine again.

    You can also just write to Google’s report a spammer and explain as best you can. They were aware of the googlebowling that took place as 888 revenge and if it can be fixed from their end, they will likely do it.

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