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Are you a blackhatter targeting GamesandCasino?

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  • #593339

    If you are using any part of GamesandCasino, whether you just copied some content for your site, otherwise breached copyright, or are doing outright SE campaigns based on blackhat methods utilizing my site, watch out!

    I am going after you big time. I have had enough. I have worked for 5 years very hard, at least 6 days a week to build up that site.

    I’ll be damned if you are going to steal any part of it.

    Thieves, big and small, stop now or bear the consequences!

    I WILL put you out of business.


    It’s about time honest webmasters struck back at these thieves.

    Godspeed Dominique, Give ’em Hell!



    You Go!

    If you need any help, I know people….:banger: !

    Seriously, I agree with Professor, if you need anything, ask away!


    I’m with you Dominique on this. I would also like to make BlackHatters who target any of my sites aware, that I feel the same as Dominique and am prepared to go down the legal avenue if necessary.


    Ditto Doms post
    I found many sites doing this to me and am getting fed up also.


    Im glad your taking the initiative to do this… you must have ate your shreddies this morning :clapper:


    Yeah Baby!!!


    How does everyone find these thieves that scrape our sites. Is it done strickly with copyscape or are there some different methods used. Another question I have is how does everyone feel about the tools that you can use to protect your source code. Like disabling right click or encrypting your code. I know there are tools out there, but for example I dont know if encrypting your source code would preclude search engines from spidering the real content. And I don’t know if my visitors would find disabling right click offensive. I can’t see any reason why any visitor other than an affiliate snooping would need to use right click on a site unless they want to copy something. I know disabling right click won’t stop many scrappers that are intent on getting your content as we are all aware that you can view the source from the toolbar, but is it worth it to at least stop the unsavy site builders. I would just like to find a tool that would protect my code and content the best it can so I don’t have to worry about that problem anymore. Of course I understand that there are always going to be hackers and such that you cant beat, but my goal is to stop the adverage joe from having access to my code and content. If they are going to get it they can at least do it the hard way and type it out. Does anyone have any experience with such a tool and have they found it to be beneficial?


    Go get em Dom.

    I am interested in some of the specifics of who is attacking you though, especially with regard to the SE campaigns based on blackhat methods. Is this mostly scrapping, or is something more devious afoot? (not to say scrapping isn’t devious, but it’s easy for any unscrupulous webmasters to do)


    The right-click trick really isn’t useful at all.

    Most scrapers are using spiders to gather content. Theses guys don’t even have to see your site to steal from it. Automated scripts.

    I don’t know how to protect a site from these guys without carefully watching and blocking their ip addresses. Anybody know of a good utility that does this?

    I’m also interested in finding out what symptoms of blackhat tactics you are experiencing, Dom, so I can look out for it myself.


    I will go after the thieves using any blackhat method involving any of my work and after the places that pay them to do it.

    I have the patience and I am prepared to spend the time and money to root this out all the way.

    If you are interested in finding out about what types of things blackhatters are up to, here are some sites:





    and so on and so on and so on.


    And I don’t know if my visitors would find disabling right click offensive. I can’t see any reason why any visitor other than an affiliate snooping would need to use right click on a site unless they want to copy something.

    I use right click if I want to make sure a link opens in a new window. And to view properties when I right click a link pointing to my site.


    How does everyone find these thieves that scrape our sites. Is it done strickly with copyscape or are there some different methods used.

    I search for keywords… I also use copyscape.

    I prefer MSN personally, because my stuff shows up faster



    Well to get on topic it would seem this current situation invloves all honest webmasters including Dominique.

    Blocking IP does not work nor does blocking ISP. There is alot of information on CAP already in regards to blackshit faces tatics. I think we all know, I can’t stand the bastards. These people can barely operate a calculator, let alone a website.

    Personally I am sorry of this reality, “monkey see monkey do”. greek39:Pisser:


    This is page 8 of a search:

    From here on out the next 33,000 or so sites are likely all blackhatters feeding off me.

    Watch out guys, we are going to put an end to this, and we are going to keep this cleaned up. These guys are not going to make one more penny in our industry.

    I have had it!

    If you own this x

    or this x

    or this

    or a good number of others – I am not going to waste my time listing them all – please take this crap down now!

    I am still in the research phase. You don’t want to wait until I take action.

    Many of these are also targeting a good number of other CAP members. It’s time we all took matters in our hands.

    Research will take more time, but our time is coming. We are going to make sure you are done in this industry. Watch this spot.

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