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    excelent Prof, I have quite a few i Suspect but I also have a lot of accounts already at almost every place so i wont be much help, but ill be very interested :)


    If you need help I don’t play online so I have very few accounts at online casinos so I could assist with testing.


    @Professor 170506 wrote:

    We are going start stats audits here at CAP. We have the resources to do it and we have a member pool of 7000 to choose.

    When I get back from California we will get the ball rolling on this and round up anonymous volunteers and set up an independent comittee to oversee the process.

    I like the idea of audits resuming :) I do not know if APCW is done with audits, though, I seem to remember something in one of the vids about starting them up again.

    So – I like the idea… But from MY perspective, I would be truly pissed off if someone stole what AGD does and decided to do an exact copy… I guess I am not sure where the boundaries are, but I would almost bet your attorneys would be ‘on the case’ if the roles were reversed, Lou. Are you sure you want to do that?

    I don’t want to sound negative, but it just seems wrong to me. (even though I like the idea of the audits resuming).

    Feel free to prove me wrong, though :)



    @kwblue 170528 wrote:

    I like the idea of audits resuming :) I do not know if APCW is done with audits, though, I seem to remember something in one of the vids about starting them up again.

    So – I like the idea… But from MY perspective, I would be truly pissed off if someone stole what AGD does and decided to do an exact copy… I guess I am not sure where the boundaries are, but I would almost bet your attorneys would be ‘on the case’ if the roles were reversed, Lou. Are you sure you want to do that?

    I don’t want to sound negative, but it just seems wrong to me. (even though I like the idea of the audits resuming).

    Feel free to prove me wrong, though :)


    I dont see it the same, Prof is not going around and getting it together to wipe out APCW, but to offer more detail on the affilite programs reflected here. If that was illegal we would all see each other in court im sure :)


    @allfreechips 170531 wrote:

    I dont see it the same, Prof is not going around and getting it together to wipe out APCW, but to offer more detail on the affilite programs reflected here. If that was illegal we would all see each other in court im sure :)

    I can see that point. However – I haven’t seen proof that APCW is ready to ‘wipe out CAP’ either. Seems like the impossible :) We all love CAP – well, hopefully everyone in this section anyway! :inlove:

    I am just looking at it from my own perspective, I guess…. If CAP were to create Terms Alerts just like AGD (not that they will do that, mind you), I would have a problem with that. It is akin to copying content, IMO.

    With that said.. Maybe I am just going off the deep end thinking along my own terms, no pun intended :)

    I don’t truly know what happened between CAP and APCW, so I can’t speak to that. I can only speak to CAP doing audits and compare that scenario to CAP taking over Terms Alerts.

    I guess that’s really all I have to say about it because I don’t know both sides of this story. I think it is an unfortunate situation, regardless :(

    Hope I didn’t derail the thread, just posting the first thought that came to my mind.


    I see your point Andy and fully understand.

    I have the same feelings about my GamTrak software idea, but realistically no one can claim exclusive rights to “ideas” that anyone has access or desire to do, so I’ve prepared myself for it to happen and infact do know of one person that is using the ‘concept’ currently.


    @kwblue 170538 wrote:

    I can see that point. However – I haven’t seen proof that APCW is ready to ‘wipe out CAP’ either. Seems like the impossible :) We all love CAP – well, hopefully everyone in this section anyway! :inlove:

    I am just looking at it from my own perspective, I guess…. If CAP were to create Terms Alerts just like AGD (not that they will do that, mind you), I would have a problem with that. It is akin to copying content, IMO.

    With that said.. Maybe I am just going off the deep end thinking along my own terms, no pun intended :)

    I don’t truly know what happened between CAP and APCW, so I can’t speak to that. I can only speak to CAP doing audits and compare that scenario to CAP taking over Terms Alerts.

    I guess that’s really all I have to say about it because I don’t know both sides of this story. I think it is an unfortunate situation, regardless :(

    Hope I didn’t derail the thread, just posting the first thought that came to my mind.

    Not that they will wipe out cap lol, but the idea of helping a guy out that is out to get you was the cause here.


    Thanks Chips. Most people get it, but as an ald parable states:

    None are so blind as those who do not wish to see.

    Andy I would like to call you from California Tommorow. Please PM me with your phone number and availability.


    Well being friends with Kwblue and with him from the start up with AGD as a mod, I would be upset too if someone were to copy his hard work and claim it as their work. I know he started AGD with the intention of defending and safe guarding all of us other affiliates in mind.

    I think this is totally out of concept to what is going on with APCW, they have stopped doing the audits for quite a long time so I can see why another site would want to pick up and go with it. They may have intentions of starting up again but it has been a damn long time and there are many programs getting way out of hand while there was not any sort of “policing of programs” for all us affiliates.

    I think it is more about respecting each other and not crossing the line when it comes to these type of unique websites and tools.

    I love CAP because we learn from and help out each other, we may be in competition with each other but we never attack and steal each others work and seem to get along very well, I have made very very good friendships over the years and hope to make many more.

    Going back to my corner now..


    Yeah. I guess I just got off on my own sandbox :)

    Like I said, I don’t know the full story with this – and I wasn’t going to comment until the audits thing came up and then I thought about how I would feel. I feel bad that I even commented, should have stayed out of it.

    Like I also said… I know CAP isn’t going to Copy AGD :) It was just an empathetic response, I guess.

    No offense was intended. I’ll chat with Lou today, if at all possible :) I’ll send ya a PM Lou.


    WOW, I’m is complete disbelief.

    I’ve had several conversations with J Todd and while I found some of his thoughts and findings a bit unrealistic, I never imagined he would try to do this.

    I can’t see how he thinks he has enough support to even attempt this.


    In my wildest dreams I would never have guessed this would have happened. There have been minor squabbles over the years but this board has had the cleanest record of any I would think in the history of the Net. I hope it can be resolved Amicably.

    And yes Blue you threw me for a loop with the change in coarse, i thought I had accidently switched threads or something:tongue:

    Lets all get back to biz or back to enjoying the summer, this is our last month for some of you to enjoy the weather!



    Hi all (Lou)

    how very surreal. I’m considering going to bed and waking up to see if this is still here?

    then I thought, well if it ain’t then what I wrote won’t matter lol.

    First foremost I believe loyalties cannot involve themselves with business. There is an unwritten ethic involved in business thats very unhealthy to cross and that is you should never back your friends just because they’re your friends.

    Businesses must be above that to be professional.

    I consider myself friends to both sides of this sorry incident and wish I were not having to be reading of this happening.

    I don’t know if I agree with the Prof’s theory on what is Int’s motivation but then again if you’d have told me this was going to be an issue yesterday I’d have definitely thought it far loonier (sorry Prof, just an expression:), ) than Lou’s theory of motivation.

    loonier. I am sorry. I just couldn’t think of a better way of saying “less-likely to have happen” at the time and instead of changing my words I left them in cause I thought a little lightenment at this time wouldn’t be a bad thing.

    Wow. Well all I can say is that I appreciate your approach in handling things Prof … under the circumstance to which is painted … I’d def have taken same action.


    using the ‘concept’

    ya but still hurts don’t it? btw: I appreciate what you said about preparing yourself for it. I’ve had a little time wearing your shoes (and probably didn’t have near as much right to feel slighted) and I can say it hurts. And of course makes you angry. I thought of that first! I knew I’d have my time coming also and tried to prepare myself but it still stings when you see it happen.

    Imagine how the first guy who thought up making a list of casinos must be feeling right about now? (another one that probably doesn’t have as much right to feel slighted lol)


    which brings me to you my good friend mr. KW:

    here’s the thing. (to quote Mr Monk) … at some point at some time in life there was only one person who sold bread, who shined shoes, who provided a list of casinos and someday if you’re hugely successful at your niche… there will be others to copy, compete and try their very best to kill your business.

    thats reality. Now the way I see it the “proper” way of starting up that copy-cat site is to give it a slightly different twist such as “our bread tastes better!” … “we give your shoes a better shine!” … and of course … “we have a better list of online casinos visit …. that’s…. …. that’s…. …. that’s…. …. that’s….


    shameless aren’t I?

    … I’d do all these other rotten things that it seems almost everybody else is doing but I’m not smart enough. It sucks when you have to be a good person because you’re too dumb to be otherwise.


    I don’t think CAP has much to worry about from anybody. I been here quite a while and have seen it go from what i imagine was probably not a terribly profitable side of Lou’s dynasty to being what it is today. I take nothing away from CAP’s right to earn money and all I can say is I AM JELOUS AS HELL!

    …. but in a good way. :)

    Hang in there Lou. It would be nice to see a season or dare i dream two … pass by without drama but that just hasn’t proven to be in the cards so I guess today should be no bigger suprise than was the day before.

    There’s nothing wrong with anybody wanting to challenge CAP for the top of the mountain but I don’t see it happening successfully out of an act brought on by anything less than a professional approach at the task.

    Trying to gain an edge by taking an opening brought on by someone else’s tragedies is beyond anything close to professional, it is beyond childesh … and as I write this and give consideration it still seems beyond believable.

    Finally I’m sorry to Allen that after all else … that you sir should be burdened with anything that must be so incredibly petty from your viewpoint.


    I haven’t said anything here yet because I am still in shock.

    However, re. testing the stats of casinos etc., it’s been done since the start of the business. Groups of affiliates have gotten together and tested stats for as long as I can think back. I used to bankroll players or other affs so I could test.


    Hi gain all,

    I thought about it and I just can’t figure out what would motivate this.

    Its so strange because as Lou pointed out its crazy to think you could recruit somebody to go against not only what everyone knows to be a strong business relationship but also close friends.

    And at such risk because he had to figure that approaching Cappy would be letting any further surprises to the wayside unless he was successful.

    Has anybody heard anything from Integrity?

    Maybe there’s a misunderstanding and he jumped off the deep end before hearing all the sides to the story.

    And not that that makes what he did palatable, but its the best I can think of for such actions.

    I can’t see throwing away the privledge of having a section here at CAP to impress a sponsor. That’d be kinda like me spending all these years trying to build a decent reputation and then turning around and listing every RTG casino.

    It would shoot down my credibility and CAP greatly added to APCW’s credibility (IMHO) … and to what greater gain is there if you become no longer a force in the industry … to that sponsor … or anybody else for that matter?

    Or maybe he thinks the videos and APCW is enough at its current place … to achieve his goals and I wish him well but at same time think giving up a spot here that didn’t cost anything … is a really bad idea. Bad enough I don’t see anybody making that move lightly.

    Then again about the time I think I’ve reached an age in life when I won’t … can’t possibly see anything that could surprise me … I do. (insert shrugging smilie here).

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