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anti spyware legislation

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    i dont know if someone posted this or not, i was just reading a may 23, 07 usa today my dad left behind on his visit, and noticed this

    house approves measure to fight spyware – the hosue passed legislation to combat the use of internet spyware and scams aimed at stealing personal information.

    spyware is software that secretly collects information about a person or organization and sends it to someone else without the users consent. the bill makes accessing a computer without permission to help commit a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison. OBTAINING OR TRANSMITTING PERSONAL INFORMATINO TO INJURE OR DEFRAUD someone or to damage a computer could bring a two-year prison term. The senate not acted on leg.

    anyone have an update on this?


    ya. its useless to think any one country can police the net. the scammers will just move to another country where they can’t be reached.

    nice thought though and if every country took the inititiave …. they’d have it under control… ……. sadly …..that probably will never happen.


    i think gator and whenU and the likes are based in the U.S.A., no? sorry I’m not up to date on the spyware scene.

    obViously though, as you state, the more laws against it the better :]


    Is casino software a spyware?

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