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Another blantant theft

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    I suggested post your signatures not leave them out. Anyway CR has emailed you in regard to this matter. Time permitting I will look into it, if I find scraper activity I will take things to the next level. greek39


    It must be bad in other online businesses as well. I’ve already changed three clients’ sites over to flash from html. They still look the same, only now they’re in flash…and it cost them some coin I can tell ya.

    Everywhere I’ve researched, you can’t copy content in flash. It’s like having a bullitt-proof glass shield sitting on top of the page.

    voovoo wrote:
    Everywhere I’ve researched, you can’t copy content in flash. It’s like having a bullitt-proof glass shield sitting on top of the page.True, but…. search engines can’t “see” the Flash content, which makes it more difficult to get the site indexed properly.

    I have to admit that with all the dust being stirred up and I don’t think this dust will settle anytime soon with certain aff programs, payment issues, queries not being answered, gambling laws and so forth, most of us affiliates are on the edge of our seats. I have paid very close attention to CAP’s forum of late because this is where to get the information.

    And now the scraper’s, thieves and just simply put, these are lazy affiliates. They’ve already made life very difficult for alot of us. I also know Greek, that alot of us are very grateful to what you have been able to do in getting rid of some of these inbreds.

    Personally, I find it absolutely brilliant how you can close these sites down within minutes. These thieves in time, will realize you don’t mess with CAP and its members. When other programs get on board like Renee’ did, these thieves will think twice.

    Thanks Greek

    greek39 wrote:
    I suggested post your signatures not leave them out. Anyway CR has emailed you in regard to this matter. Time permitting I will look into it, if I find scraper activity I will take things to the next level. greek39
    Sorry, my mistake. I’ve taken “putting” for “pulling” Maybe I should wear higher dioptry specs.:hehe:

    Thanks voovoo and Led for your kind remarks. As time goes on I will be in a better situation to take care of these issues. I feel sometimes using ethical means does not always work. Malicious as these BH’s are, with their expliotable tatics sometimes one has to employ the same tatics as a last resort.

    This issue been around since the early 80’s and they often manage to bring out the bad side in me. I can’t stand them, the whole freakin group. I do try hard to ignore them the best I can.

    I feel very stongly no honest webmasters should have to endure this BS.



    Hi Engineer –

    That’s what I had learned also which is why I designed my poker site in html.

    It was scraped and Greek told me how to take care of it – I then received snail mail from macromedia about how to get flash indexed. I then redesigned my poker site in flash and did what macromedia suggested and the site already has a PR4 and has only been live since the end of Feb.

    To tell you the truth I don’t know how it can work but it optimized well and has a better PR than my 7 year old casino portal site. It doesn’t get the traffic the casino gets but it has better conversions.


    Without going into great detail programing in flash can be SEO optimized with some tinkering. I have one flash site and it does perfectly well. greek39


    I posted about this a while back, as I was sick of getting sc(raped). Although I know some rudimentary ways to achieve being crawled, I’m at a loss to having my flash content crawled.

    Reason why I’ve not bothered to change to a totally flash driven site.

    Any pointers in this subject would be appreciated, thanks.

    PS Just coped a mouthful of ash, goes to show I should pay more attention to where I lodge my cigarette in future :laugh:

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