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African Palace – First Grand Warning !!!

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  • #598947

    Hi All

    I need to warn all affiliates about African Palace / First Grand.

    If you are still promoting them… stop now.

    They will not honor their commitments.

    They owe us over $8000 in commissions which I’m pretty sure we will never see.

    I have contacted them on so many occassions I have lost count.

    I am always told that they are in a meeting and will call back.

    I am still to receive a single reply to either email or phone calls.

    I have tried to speak to Kovilan the affiliate manager and Denver the managing director.

    Considering I live in South africa and they are based here I have started doing a bit on investigating.

    Many parties, ie advertisers will not do business with them as they do not pay.
    Many will only do business if cash is paid upfront.

    I tried to contact their holding company Vestfin LTD in the UK. I got through to the the managing company of Vestfin, ie, the company who registered Vestfin LTD for them originally. I was told that the company actually does not exist anymore (Vestfim has been de-registered) and First Grand are using it illegally. I was also told that they are considering sueing the parties as they are owed monies for the work they did setting up Vestfin. The person I spoke to was more irrate than me.

    After much effort i was able to get Denver’s Direct mobile number.

    This is the cel number of Denver… +27 83 231 6057

    if anyone is able to get through to him and talk some sense into them it would be great.

    I do not believe this crowd will be around for much longer so I urge everyone who still send them traffic to stop immediatelly.

    You will not be paid !!!

    I also urge those who rank well for south african keywords to place warnings as I doubt any player is getting a honest experience playing there.

    The time to act is now, not when its too late.

    We have removed african palace from all our sites and have placed warnings on the review page so no players get burn’t by this unethical operator.

    I have contacted Playtech and expect a call in the next day from one of their directors.

    Enough is enough.



    They owe me money from years ago.


    Hi All

    I spent the rest of yesterday and today trying to contact African Palace on their direct line and the private cell number of the managing director.

    Still no reply and guess what they are still in a meeting. Longest meeting in the World….

    I urge everyone here to mail them and tell them we will not stand for this type of behaviour in our industry.

    Affiliate Manager email address :

    Managing Directors email address :

    Everyone email them today.



    Dom is there any way you can move this thread to General?

    It should be interesting to see if anyone else is owed any money.

    If anyone can help with contacting Playtech we would appreciate it.


    I did.

    If you search for African Palace, I bet you will come across an old thread where I am promised payment.

    Never happened.


    No surprise at all. African Palace are renowned in experienced player circles for this type of thing. Have been for some time.


    They were going to pay if I removed them from the blacklist.

    Fat chance, that’s not the way it works.


    They have owed me over 1k for 2 years now. I have them on IM but whenever I question my payment (usually once every few months just to get a rise out of them.. Dom told me that they would not pay and she was correct as usual) they always say that there is new ownership or management or whatever they can think of and my issue will be resolved soon…. Then they immediately ask if I have removed them from my EVIL list yet :dozing:


    They are sickening.


    Maybe these guys deserve a mention on Perspectives Weekly?

    I think players and other webmasters need to know about them and what they’re doing… and you all can send them the video so they know they’re “famous”…

    Maybe that would get you guys paid…

    Integrity wrote:
    Maybe these guys deserve a mention on Perspectives Weekly?

    Maybe that would get you guys paid…

    Haha, I think the magic potion that makes them pay affs and players hasn’t been invented yet.

    However, some exposure on Perspectives weekly would surely go a long way in helping others from falling into the same trap.


    Thanks for moving the thread.

    Anything will help. These guys owe us a bucket. Wha’t amazing is that we have all the names, mobile numbers etgc but we still can’t speak to anyone.

    Integrity wrote:
    Maybe these guys deserve a mention on Perspectives Weekly?

    I think players and other webmasters need to know about them and what they’re doing… and you all can send them the video so they know they’re “famous”…

    Maybe that would get you guys paid…

    Hey J Todd.

    That would be cool!



    Do it.

    Lets expose these suckers.

    thanks everyone


    Consider it done 😎


    Hi All.

    I just got through to Denver the MD on his mobile by hiding who I was.

    I asked him why we have not been paid and why when we are paid we are paid in batches of three.

    He asked who I was, lol thats funny considering the some 100 messages I have left for him.

    He told me that if you earn over $5000 payments need to be broken up if paid into a South african Bank account. (looked into this also, its so they dont have to declare it to the South African Reserve Bank, another dodgy thing)

    He then said they are only behind 1 payment which is untrue. They owe us from september and october.

    I asked him why he has not paid commission to a number of afilliates on GPWA and CAP.

    No answer.

    He then said he looked on my site and that we are spreading negative publicity on them

    here is the page

    which I put up 2 days ago.

    He said until I take it down he will not pay us any commission whatsover that is owed.

    He then said once its down he will decided whether to comminicate with me or not.

    He then put the phone down on me !

    what more can I say.


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