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  • #599456

    Hey guys,

    I am just beginning to track Terms and Conditions for a few sites. However, I would really like the forums to become active. There is a private section on the forum that is set up to specifically get everyone’s opinion (trusted people only) on who to begin tracking and the general direction of the website.

    Yes, the homepage is just a shell and there is a template problem on the forum header… All minor stuff. I just want to get going with ideas before I get way to far ahead of myself.

    Everyone who is part of the CAP private forums will be allowed into the private forums over at Also – There is still a donation button on the homepage, so if you choose to help out that is great but it is not a requirement.

    Thanks in advance,



    This is AWESOME Andy, thanks for the hard work you put into this:happy:


    Thanks! Tons of work is going into this, but it is worthwhile IMO.

    Currently, I have only 4 programs tracking and you can see them through the homepage of the site.

    I would ask, that if anyone is willing… Each program needs their T&C’s looked over for predatory terms. The forums are set up for just that purpose and there are forum sections for each program listed thus far.

    There are also private forums, which you will get access to as well when I approve.

    Please suggest any program you wish tracked. I will start tracking and set up a section for you (or anyone) to go over and mention the associated predatory conditions. I will then make that topic sticky within their forum so that people can quickly see what terms are taking advantage of affiliates.

    Please sign up and lend a hand!



    Sounds like a good idea kwblue. When I get up and running again I will be sure to sign up. I was curious however, if you would be interested in another idea. What about a site dealing with “online casino spam?” ect… A place where we could go do really pound away at these fellows.



    I agree that would be a great idea, Greek :) For now I have to limit myself to this endeavor, though, as it is pretty time consuming. I am working to integrate more T&C’s into this and I will also attempt to organize all portions of an affiliate program’s policies as well.

    For example – SPAM policies. It would be nice to be able to click on a link for a program and see their SPAM policy without reading the entire T&C. This is something that I am working on as well. All very time consuming.

    Keep the ideas coming, though :)


    Thank you kwblue for doing this. It will most certainly help us gambling webmasters out. I will be donating to your new site ASAP.



    Hey everyone,

    Get in there and let me know who you want to track! And, I wouldn’t mind a few more posts as well :) It looks bad to have my reply to all of the posts since that shows me as the last poster for every single post :(

    Plus – I would really like some active people in there talking about their REAL thoughts on any program.

    Just create a new post in the particular forum instead of attaching to the T&C post.



    Sorry Andy my bad for not going in more often:D


    Andy it might make more sense if we gave you a forum area here at CAP and you directed your forum links to that area. Its what worked for APCW as we have a good bit of the traffic and eyeballs that you are trying to get in front of.

    Professor wrote:
    Andy it might make more sense if we gave you a forum area here at CAP and you directed your forum links to that area. Its what worked for APCW as we have a good bit of the traffic and eyeballs that you are trying to get in front of.

    Sounds great to me! Let me know what I must do procedurally to set this up as well as what guidelines you might have for posts and such.




    Thats a great idea, then it is there in my face and I will see it as I pass by the threads, I am here often hehe can’t seem to stay away:popcorn:


    Thats great! Good idea!

    I have trouble adding forums to post on, I am all posted out.

    If it’s here it will surely get my attention…


    Ok the new AffiliateGuardDog forum area is all set up. Please point all forum links and bookmarks to:

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