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Affiliate Website Partnership Idea..

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    Okay, I have an idea that I would like to test out, but would like some feedback on it first.

    I would most likely be targeting new and upcoming affiliates with this idea, but I would really welcome anyone.

    I would like to start another site, blog style, and have about 10+ people working on it (content wise), all with an area of there own. One person specializes in bonuses, another in deposits, etc.

    Each person will have there Own affiliate account, and will place there Own affiliate links on there Own content. They will be paid by the affiliate program, and they will own the players they bring in.

    I would like to create a huge site, full of content, with everyone ‘working together while working for them self’.

    The whole site would get the SEO benefit from always being updated, and each user would be responsable for advertising there area of the site ( as well as the site as a whole.

    The Largest problem I have is getting people to believe what I do is real and that money can be made from the internet. While I have personally been successful with many of my sites over the years, the friends and family that see it really have no skills to contribute. Most people seem to think there is no way for money to be made online and everything is just a scam.

    Anyway, any ideas / feedback is welcome. Mainly do you think people would be intrested in this type of partnership?

    Just trying to come up with some fresh ideas ;)


    I have a couple of questions.
    Why wouldn’t an affiliate do this for themselves, create their own site and post articles to it.
    How would you keep affiliates motivated to keep doing this, when initially they aren’t making money.
    What happens when an affiliate no longer writes or is unreliable.
    How do you make someone believe that you won’t “run away” with the domain.

    I understand what you are doing. Why would you do this, when you could pay someone for these articles?


    Good questions:

    Why wouldn’t an affiliate do this for themselves, create their own site and post articles to it.

    I would think working in a group would help keep you more motivated, and they would get some guidance from a mentor type to start. I think the hardest part of doing anything, is getting started, for me anyway.

    How would you keep affiliates motivated to keep doing this, when initially they aren’t making money.

    This one is the hardest part, it is extremely hard to find someone with a passion for just promoting casinos without the income ;) again I think a group working together would help a bit on this, but you’re right for 99% of people that will not be enough. I may have to throw in other small incentives until they start earning on there own.

    What happens when an affiliate no longer writes or is unreliable.

    I was thinking a 3 page a week minimum, and if they are gone for more then a few months they would be replaced. I was also thinking the most active affiliates would get a prime link spot on the main page.

    How do you make someone believe that you won’t “run away” with the domain.

    This one is also hard, but that is also why each affiliate will have there own affiliate account, so if anything did happen they would keep any players tagged to them for life.

    As most affiliates have more then one site, I think this would get them started, and once they start making money I’m sure most would branch out and start there own site.

    Im really looking for some fresh ideas, I have been doing this since 09 and make about 5k a month right now. At one point I was making around 13k a month, and I want to get back to that. The problem I have is, I am getting bored with it and need to spice it up a bit. I think working with others might help with that.


    I forgot to add, I would also have -when possible- them to sign up under me (as a sub-affiliate). Another motive for why I would do this :)


    I tried this several years back and found that unless the people got immediate returns, they tended to stop blogging shortly after they started (within 2-4 weeks). It was really tough keeping people motivated to post whilst they were not making bank. Good luck, great idea, hope you can find motivated folks


    I think the idea is good. What you need are new webmasters who already are not making money. And in fact its probably one of the better ways to get ahead of the pack or catch up to the pack. I think it was someone at the GPWA 10 years ago or so when we were all talking about how to get further. One that stuck in my mind was “partner up” with your fellow affiliates. I think its a rather smart idea (although hard to find the right people)

    The reason you don’t want to buy articles is because they generally don’t have the passion, readability, etc that you get from creating quality content on your own.

    Depending on the OP’s location you could also setup a contract to protect against the theft of the domain.

    Don’t worry about sub-links, you won’t benefit that much, however if you wanted to you could try to make a circle to signup under each other as you go along.

    Good luck – if I had more time (I don’t) I might join you.


    I think kwblue gives sound advise.

    But its worth trying, I find that sometimes, you just have to give it a shot to get it out of your system, and if you believe in it, and market it the right way to the right audience, it should have legs to stand on.

    So heres a few suggestions of mine to add to your ideas. (let say the website is called “superawesomegaming”

    Build it like a package, with the sell.

    “Want to make money online?
    I’ll show you the easy way, I’ll show you how I have been making 5-13K conistently over the last 2 year.

    I’ll do the SEO, the design, the link building, and I’ll mentor you. Yup, I’ll mentor you.

    What do you have to do?
    – Research and learn about the industry,
    – Learn about the different niches in Gaming – and I’ll even help you, I’ll mentor you.
    – Have an open mind, because I’ll also show you how to do the seo, link building on your own.

    Some home truths. If you want to make serious money, this is an industry where you dont make money in 2 weeks, or 2 months. Sometimes it can take 6-12months.

    If you’re serious about earning decent $$$’s and able to spend a couple of hours a day writing something you love about in gaming, and able to keep it up for 6+ months, I’ll mentor you.

    I’ll give you own email address, your own website and email address

    My mentorship includes
    1. understanding gaming
    2. forums
    3. seo
    4. websites
    5. keywords
    6. setting up your own wordpress blog
    7. forums
    8. bonuses

    stuff like that, I just rattled stuff off, it needs ordering, editing, and more sell and content.
    And seeing a site with content, so its up and running as an example, show’s them what to aspire to.

    Showing what is achievable, is a huge motivator. Money is the greatest motivator.


    keblue, Tarzan and Rak thank you guys for the feedback. Much more then I expected!

    Tarzan – Yes, webmasters who have not yet made money, but have proven to put in the time and effort and have not yet given up would be great candidates. Passion is one thing very hard to find. Before this, long ago, I owned a rap battle forum. Members would line up to be mods and everyone wanted a chance to participate. I wish I could find that type of passion in this industry. I have friends and family members who I set up with a website, they do a little work and even make a few hundred dollars. But they take the money and run, just quit right after that. I seem to be the only one I know with a real passion for working for myself. For me thats what its all about, I will do anything to keep from working for someone else again :)

    Rak – Love the ‘Build it like a package’ idea. This is what I mean by working with other people.. Just this forum post gets me more motivated to really get to work again. This stuff can be fun and exciting, I myself love it but have very few people to share it with. I think I might give this a shot. As far as the mentor part goes, they say sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help others. In this case I think that may hold true.


    @online18casino 242865 wrote:

    keblue, Tarzan and Rak thank you guys for the feedback. Much more then I expected!

    Tarzan – Yes, webmasters who have not yet made money, but have proven to put in the time and effort and have not yet given up would be great candidates. Passion is one thing very hard to find. Before this, long ago, I owned a rap battle forum. Members would line up to be mods and everyone wanted a chance to participate. I wish I could find that type of passion in this industry. I have friends and family members who I set up with a website, they do a little work and even make a few hundred dollars. But they take the money and run, just quit right after that. I seem to be the only one I know with a real passion for working for myself. For me thats what its all about, I will do anything to keep from working for someone else again :)

    Rak – Love the ‘Build it like a package’ idea. This is what I mean by working with other people.. Just this forum post gets me more motivated to really get to work again. This stuff can be fun and exciting, I myself love it but have very few people to share it with. I think I might give this a shot. As far as the mentor part goes, they say sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help others. In this case I think that may hold true.

    Sounds like some solid ideas and some great potential. Love the approach as a “mentor” Lots of affiliates just starting out request for guidance like this, so perhaps there really could be a market for this.

    Best of luck to you and keep us posted with how all plays out!


    I personally would never work on any domain I do not own and think even in a group effort like this proposal one needs to be the leader and set out terms up front as for compensation for contribution.I have done a couple partnership in this industry and each time i ended up buying the partner out as I worked my ass off while they reaped the rewards.Speaking with Years of experience partners are not the way to go unless you work together side by side and each put same effort into a project.I know at least 10 big websites now who have ‘partners’ yet one guy is working 70 hours a week while the other is still figuring out what it is he is suppose to do yet getting 50% of the revenue.
    I have tried to ‘help’ friends and family by getting them involved in smaller projects but in the end they did not have the interest to contribute much.
    There is one partnership I have that has worked very well ,another 10+ year affiliate and I have decided to take on the financial niche together.He has same work ethics as myself and we have been friends via the forums for 6-7 years.We are doing this project together as we have this interest together and we each commit to 4 hours a week right now while building things up and we share expenses 50/50.We refer to this as our retirement project as we each shoot for retiring in next 5-10 years and this project will keep us out of trouble and give us just enough work to keep the brain cells happy :)


    @casinobonusguy 242892 wrote:

    I personally would never work on any domain I do not own and think even in a group effort like this proposal one needs to be the leader and set out terms up front as for compensation for contribution.I have done a couple partnership in this industry and each time i ended up buying the partner out as I worked my ass off while they reaped the rewards.

    Exactly why I won’t partner up with anyone, I end up doing most of the work. They don’t have the drive, ambition, pace I set. I am ruthless. If I have to stay in front of the computer 14hrs a day, 6hrs sleep, and 4hrs for family – that’s what it has to be.

    If I need to make a financial commitment for a project, for me it doesn’t end the project is completed, there is the 12 months after that.

    Also… I hate arguing with people. Now days, if someone says that not right (and I know its right), and won’t budge from an opinion.. I just say “whatever” and move on.


    Rak – you can sure rattle off a good spiel.

    Sounds like a good opportunity, especially for a new person.

    But I am also interested, even though I’m hardly new.

    I see the advantages of pooling time/effort/creativity/drive to make a better product than the peices individually.

    I also see difficulties if the site is really successful (nice probelm ‘eh) whoever does register the domain really ‘calls the shots’ and could conceivably turn rogue to the partners. So it would be a matter of trust for someone that really puts in great effort.

    A “3 page a week minimum” is not too much , but quality and # words etc. would be need a little more depth of explantion.

    Also, how do you see payments of costs for domain, hosting etc. – by the domain owner? (or split among participants)

    Also if the domain owner wanted ‘out’ who can ‘take over’ and for how much (closed bidding, no min.) and would that mean an end to the partner site concept or just a new ‘manager’.

    Also, could everyone advertise anything and any gaming product on their part or be restricted to one affiliate. In other words could two partners adv. the same site (with even possibly different special offers).

    Idea – the home page could have one gaming site ad – with the $ split equally – that way everyone could gain something and stay motivated even if their subdomain generated no $ for them


    this would work best in sports i would think , each has their own sport.

    although , each could be assigned their own table game in the casino vertical to ensure no crossover



    Well said Rak and CBG – There is a reason people don’t or won’t do partnerships like this. They end in a mess 9 times out of 10


    To say the least, I still like the ‘idea’ of working together, but as half of you pointed out while it sounds like a great idea, it can get very complex quickly. So… What I did was post some ads around the internet and desided to hire a few people, a great deal of work on its own but I found one girl that writes really well and I really like her work. This way I can pay as I go and give bonuses when I profit from there work to keep them motivated. If anyone knows a good SEO SMM company/person let me know as well..?

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