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Affiliate Collection Agency

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  • #690906
    Just because a debtor says “Don’t call me anymore” does not mean that forbids the collection agency from calling again. That is insane.

    Once a person or company requests for a collection agency NOT to call them, we, in quebec, must respect this law, otherwise, we can face legal action.

    A collection agency is NOT allowed to continue to demand payment from a person who claims not to owe the money, unless the collector has tried every way to ensure the person owes the money.

    Above is a quote from the same page that you recommended in your post.

    We have done our job properly. The merchant claims that they owe NO money regarding this file. They have given ME sufficient explaination regarding this file. Again, I stress that the stats page is not a good one.
    And what helped speed up matters was the client trying to collect at the same time as us. All this does is screw things up.

    We deal with alot of different merchants and let me tell you that most merchants (excluding casinos) have very straight forward rules, definitions and stats pages.

    Unfortunately opiemarket, you really can’t comment of the Scandle5 account. You know nothing about it. You only know the hear-say of events.

    It’s sooo easy for people to play Moday morning quarterback.

    We did our best. We did it at NO cost to the client. What more would you like???

    To give you an analogy….This claim is similar to a commission only based sales reps attempting to make a claim against the company in which they sold products for and were not paid for those commissions. Of course the sales, inventory and all reports are in the possession of the company…and in most cases the sales rep. is at the mercy of the accuracy of those reports. The company can claim a host of things such as return products, non-payment, etc.

    The above quote is bogus. People who work on sales commissions have a paper trail of sales and returns, You cannot compare this to a affiliate file.
    If Scandle5 could give me the names of each depositor, I would be able to contact each of them and then would have the proof needed to collect this account.

    Most merchants supply their affiliates with a sales ID. This sales ID is trackable. As we can see, casino merchants don’t supply their affiliates with any source of tracking.

    I am sorry that you feel like we are no good at our job. I guess it is difficult for a person like yourself to understand the realty of this kind of situation.

    Give us the proof and we’ll get your money.

    There are 3 sides to every story. The clients – The merchant – The Truth.



    Fair call Brian

    The virtual stats issue is huge – because as affiliates we have nothing else to combat this with. Company has proof. Affiliate has … err nothing.

    However – the assertion that they gave 42 customers FREE bonuses BEFORE they desposited is surely strange. I never saw that promotion running. I’m sure I (and many others) would have promoted a no deposit BONUS.

    Were they able to show the manual entires for bonus credits and identify who did them and why they were so generous to a non-depositor? There is only one story … but proving it in the internet environment is a very difficult thing.

    Once a program makes a statement like that … it gets beyond the realms of a simple debt collection I guess … and more into the realms of investigation and possible legal action.

    Which of course very few affiliates can afford …

    Let’s not shoot the messenger here guys and gals. Brian gave it an extended effort. Fair play to him.


    Thank you for the heads-up Paul.

    We definately gave this case alot of effort and time. And I must admit that I learned alot about Vegas Frontier’s stats page and the wide open territory for manipulation of the facts. We as a affiliate collection agency have to deal with facts. (Not speculation)

    We will no longer accept non-clear issues such as the file we attempted for Scandle5.

    With facts and proof, we can definately deliver.

    Thanks again


    Fair call Gooner (Paul) regarding “shooting the messenger”

    I do apologize if my remarks were taken out of context and appreciate the efforts of Brian on this matter.


    don’t worry bryine, they will be known for this forever. My buddies and I are doing a big paid search starting end of this week. 20 good search categories to match. Our x-list will never go down as long as I’m alive. I couldn’t be online for awhile due to personal problems but I’m coming back by end of this month. By then, all my sites as well as my friends sites will be fully charged and completed to get the word around. till then guys, take care and I’ll be back. :wavey:

    Anyone else shafted by Bowmans Affilaite program ? Seems they have reopened under After logging in i find the software is identical, they even respond to your email from a domain. Is it worth chasing these lot ?

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