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Affiliate Collection Agency

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  • #688961

    Do you remember approx. in what month you received this $600.00???

    Originally, you told me you never received anything from them.

    Do you agree that I go after the missing amount of $6,400.00???


    Hi briyne,

    I think it was around June. I will look it up but I don’t understand what the 600 has to do with the other amount that they owe me. briyne, there excuse was that all those deposits were consider as a bonus. What I don’t get is why is it listed on the deposit area? well, I been on this case for a very long time. This is another CPA problem I assume but they promised to pay the 200 CPA for each deposits. Well, RTG is telling me that it’s the same problem but I still can’t believe them. Why? simple, the bonuses coupons should be listed at the bonus area, not on the deposit area.


    Ok. So the $600.00 was in June.

    You have to answer my question. Do I go after the $6400.00 that they said that they paid you for August, 2005???

    I don’t have a problem with this $6400.00

    Please let me know if you want this money???


    Hi briyne. The payment was on July. Yes you can go for the rest of the earnings. The stats are not working either. They blocked all registered & playing players.

    Cheers & goiod luck :hattip:



    OK. I will get to work on this next week. They will have to trace back this cheque. Could take some time.




    They are running a trace on the cheque that you haven’t received.
    Will contact you when I have some news.


    Did they really sent a check? hmmmm, makes me wonder. :lookaroun

    :clapper: hold with


    Hi Scandle5

    After many weeks and many hours of talking with Vegas Frontier, we have come to the conclusion that you will NOT receive any monies.

    Apparently, there was a mistake when they told me that you were sent a cheque on August 9, 2005, for the amount of $6400.00.

    Vegas Frontier is claiming that the depositors that your stats are showing are monies that Vegas Frontier has given to your clients to play with.

    My personal opinion is that the stats page is very complicated and not easy to understand.

    Vegas Frontier is claiming that your clients have not made any deposits since your last cheque of $600.00 in June 2005.

    I can understand that you feel that they owe you $9000.00, because you took the 45 deposits and multiplied it by your $200.00 CPA.

    Vegas Frontier is claining that 42 of those deposits are of their own monies that they give to their clients and not that of the client. That also explains why you only received $600.00 in June of 2005.

    I would suggest that you deal with companies that have easier stat systems that we all can understand.

    I know little about online casinos, but I sure wouldn’t do business with a company that has a stats page that I don’t understand.

    I am sorry that we cannot get any money for you. This is not a black and white situation. There is just too much gray. (You say – They say)

    This experience has taught us a valuble lesson in that when we get a client that has a uncomprehensable stats page, we should stay clear.

    Good luck in your future dealings.



    Forgive me for butting in, but Vegas Frontier’s story is transparently, obviously BS. Scandle referred a total of 3 players, right? And in the span of a month, those 3 players managed to receive a total of 42 separate bonuses? And at first the company claimed it had sent Scandle a check for all those players?

    The reason he was willing to pay you as a debt collector was not just to accept the company’s excuses and give up. If it were just a case of corresponding with the casinos off and on for a month, we’d handle it ourselves.

    I know little about online casinos,

    So, umm… why are you setting yourself up as an affiliate debt collector?



    There are (2) areas on the internet that are very gray when it comes to affiliates making money.

    One area is the gambling industry. Many of these companies have made stats pages that can be translated into a variety of definitions.

    The second area is the selling of medications (drugs). This is a legal problem in most of North America.

    Scandle5 had more than 60 referred clients but only 3 made deposits.
    (And he was paid for those 3)

    The clients who didn’t make deposits played the casino with monies given to them by the casino. The casino does this to give incentives for these players to make a deposit. In turn the casino stats show that a deposit was made. (unfortunately, the deposit was made by the casino)

    Again, the stats page is very deceiving.

    I’m sorry that you feel that we didn’t do our job properly, but I don’t know how to collect monies for people whom aren’t entitled to get any money.

    We did our job. We attempted to collect monies due to an affiliate.
    It didn’t cost Scandle5 a single penny out of his pocket.

    Give us straight facts and we will get the results!!!


    PS: We were asked by Vegas Frontier to NOT call regarding Scandle5’s account anymore. The law states that when a collection agency is requested to stop calling a company or individual, WE MUST STOP.
    Otherwise we can be subject to legal action.

    The reason that we were asked to stop calling was because Scandle5 was also calling at the same time.



    You’re not kidding that you’re new to the affiliates game …

    It’s a minefield – and your running into the same issues that we all do when dealing with casinos that have the stats – the control and all the power in the relationship.

    Kudos for trying for so long – but if an experienced collector gets the runaround so easily – it does suggest that no-one should be dealing with Vegas Frontier?

    In their really a law in the US that says people can just tell debt colelctors to GO AWAY and they have to? How do debts ever get collected ? Why doesn’t everyone simply say – GO AWAY?!

    I don’t know if you’re going to persue this any further … but my thoughts would be along the lines of …
    – How do 42 players get credits without depositing a cent?
    – 45 players join from scandles site 42 and don’t deposit
    – But the casino says hey that’s OK – play with OUR money !!

    Pluuuhheeeseee !!!
    Does anyone beleive that ?

    When did Vegas Frontier start giving credits to non-depositors ?
    How many other affiliates did they do this for ?
    Are Vegas Frontier still giving away FREE money ?
    If so – where do I sign up ?

    Does the investigation really end here ?
    That’s a rip-off.

    Looks like I’ve found a new name for the blacklists …

    TheGooner wrote:
    In their really a law in the US that says people can just tell debt colelctors to GO AWAY and they have to? How do debts ever get collected ? Why doesn’t everyone simply say – GO AWAY?!

    Not exactly. If the debtor requests (and I believe this must be done in writing) to only be contacted by mail, the collector must abide by this and end all phone contact. It does not absolve the debt or collection of it.


    I agree that with a stats page such as Vegas Frontier, they definately have all of the control.

    As far as not dealing with Vegas Frontier, I can’t and won’t say that. I will repeat that if the stats page is not clear with definition, then stay clear.

    As far as the law stating that we must cease to contact any party who no longer wishes to be contacted by a collection agency — This is definately the law in Canada.

    Most people aren’t aware of this law. Most people are intimidated by collection agencies.

    I am not happy with the results of this situation, but there is NO legal grounds against Vegas Frontier that I can proceed with.

    It’s a (he says – she says) situation. The only way that Scandle5 can proceed with this situation is to take legal action against Vegas Frontier. If he really believes that he is owed $9000.00 US, then he should take legal action.

    Collection Agencies are not allowed to take legal actions for a client.

    We tried. We learned. We move on.



    I have been following this thread closely and am very disappointed with not only results but also the facts and claims associated with the collection process.

    First of all I do agree with Gooner Paul that anyone who supports this industry (or any industry) for that matter must first understand the business. The stats

    With all due respect…Regarding the laws of Canada (where I reside) for that matter the ability to use the telephone to collect monies owed is the prime vehicle for collection. Just because a debtor says “Don’t call me anymore” does not mean that forbids the collection agency from calling again. That is insane.

    Here are the very basic rules of the game in Canada

    With respect regarding in Canada… “Collection Agencies are not allowed to take legal actions for a client.” Where did you get that from?

    Here is an excerpt from the Canadian rules….”While rules vary across Canada, generally collection agencies are forbidden from doing the following: recommending or starting legal or court action to collect a debt without first notifying you and obtaining the creditor’s (the company to whom you owe money) written permission;”

    Brain, I had high hopes for you not only in the online gambling business but other industries that we work in. The stats pages provided by most merchant programs are fairly standard and in total control of the merchant.
    We as affiliates do our best to weed out the bad apples but there are valid claims here and the defence of Vegas Frontier is B.S.

    To give you an analogy….This claim is similar to a commission only based sales reps attempting to make a claim against the company in which they sold products for and were not paid for those commissions. Of course the sales, inventory and all reports are in the possession of the company…and in most cases the sales rep. is at the mercy of the accuracy of those reports. The company can claim a host of things such as return products, non-payment, etc.

    The collector has to fight through that on behalf of the client and the supplied information. Is that not what your service is for?
    Otherwise, we should stick to the legal process and band together with our multiple claims.

    Your communication here indicates that you are of the opinion that Vegas Frontier’s defence is valid and that we should deal with firms who “provide more accurate and easy to understand stats pages”. What the heck does that mean?

    I know there was a number of us who were encouraged by the potential benefit of your services and were watching this thread closely as a case study in progress. I had a number of claims with non-gambling based merchants that I was going to throw at you if there was any degree of success here…now I know I should not waste my time.

    With respect to Vegas Frontier…there obviously is a bigger issue here that affiliates need to deal with.


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