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Affiliate Collection Agency

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  • #687422

    Buhahaha – what a bunch of bull!

    Dude, really, fix your website if you would like to try and do anything (whatever that might be). If you cannot afford a professional website – what kind of business are you in? Companies all over the world spend millions for appearance – it’s the most important part of any business!

    And what’s up with the adult links?

    I just wanted to say… We’re all webmasters… maybe the collector isnt … he’s a collector, I don’t actually need anything collected, or I might give him a shot!

    I started my first gambling league on Angelfire.. adds and all with a yahoo group, not a forum…

    As my site earned an income, and started to pay for itself.. I moved it to a domain, got a forum, and am learning EVERYTHING as I go..

    Some affiliates have chosen to give the guy a chance, they don’t seem to stand to lose much imo …I wish them luck.

    If I were confident in my designing/building skills (and I’m soooo not ;) ) Instead of raggin on the guy over and over.. I’d be watchin this thread like a hawk the minute an affiliate confirmed payment, I’d be offering to build him a real site :P … where are your business brains anyway :P

    The first few comments made sence.. He would be more reputable with a better website.. point made. anything further is just insulting.. aren’t we here to help each other?



    Thanks Cathy

    You are 100% right with your statements. There was a kind lady who saw my site, loved my idea, and then she gave me a phonecall. She was basically looking for more information re collections. During this phonecall we got to discussing website appearances. As luck would have it, she designs all kinds of websites. I asked her if she could help me to make my ACA site have a more professional appearance. She offered me a freebie. I refused the freebie, because I believe that people should be paid for what they do.
    Long story short, my site has been redone by this nice lady at a VERY cheap price. God bless her.

    Some people here haved dogged the old site. Funny that these same people have never praised or even commented on the new site. The new site has been active for about a month. (Go figure)

    It’s nice to see your post and see that there are people in here that do have some feelings and more-so, respect the feelings of others.

    Thank you Cathy.



    Not beating around the bush here … frankly … Your old site was crap.

    If you’re serious about collections and have been in the industry for years and years (as you said) then its a serious business you do NOT spend the valuable top space that can make a good impression by advertising Adult “dates”.

    Well … not if collections is your main line of business …

    AS for your pointed comment about lack of compliments on the changes …

    I haven’t commented on your new site – for the simple reason that I didn’t know that you had a new site. Where did you advertise that fact? I missed it.

    I’ve just nipped off an taken a look at it … and …. and …


    Very business like, good contact details, testimonials, dual language (although that might be a reguolatory thing in Quebec?). I like that site – and it reflects well on your company.

    The only point I’d make is that you should shell out $2 per month to create a webmail address that belongs to your company domain in the “Contact us” section rather than something from

    On the whole – a great brochure site though that makes a top first impression.

    I’m sorry that we got off on the wrong foot mate …

    But the whole collections money thing is a sensitive issue – and that first website did not give the impression of a company making a living from successfully delivering. (and it wasn’t just the dating ads)

    This site is much better – and I wish you every success.

    LadyHoldem wrote:
    You are a woman with class, Ladyholdem. I agree with everything you said. Unfortunelty, it is much easier for most people to be rude on the internet as there are no actual faces. On the other hand, if this person turns out to be less than legit, I may have to eat my hat along with my words. :laughcry:

    Brian…good luck. We are watching this thread to see some success. All of us have bad accounts that is for sure.

    Don’t worry about the other crap…you fixed the problem and your site is fine. That is old old news now.

    occ wrote:
    You are a woman with class, Ladyholdem. I agree with everything you said. Unfortunelty, it is much easier for most people to be rude on the internet as there are no actual faces. On the other hand, if this person turns out to be less than legit, I may have to eat my hat along with my words. :laughcry:

    Hehe well ty very much, I have no intenion to eat my hat though hehe.. If your resorting to a collection agency, your probly not getting paid anyway, sooo if he rips ya off.. guess ya didnt lose much… Besides, my gramma told me to be real nice mosta the time, and real mean the rest.. that way, when your real mean.. people stand up and take notice! heheh..

    However.. just a side note.. if you do decide to eat your hat… might I suggest lotsa salt, maybe some pepper.. and cheese, cheese even makes spinich ‘look’ good ;) heheh



    Just a short note to let you know that I am in daily contact with “realvegasonline”

    I am patiently waiting to see what kind of numbers that they’re going to come up with.

    They come up with all kinds of excuses for this delay.

    eg: ” ” is in a meeting — ” ” is not in today — ” ” is working on this file, etc.

    Be patient. I’ll get some kind of numbers one of these days.

    At least they’re talking with me. :)



    I haven’t commented on your new site – for the simple reason that I didn’t know that you had a new site. Where did you advertise that fact? I missed it.

    well I’m not good enough to have commented further than getting rid of the adult links;… in fact I believe it was something to the effect of “when the adult links come down …”
    anyway, ….. ya, I didn’t know you’d changed it either or i’d have certainly given credit where do.

    Your willingness to listen to (IMHO) some good advice shows good business sense and that speaks volumes to me; just in itself.

    However like many, I wait eagerly to see the outcome.

    Regardless: and just to maybe take some of the pressure off that you may be feeling to get this to come thru for you, I would like you to know that I for one won’t be judging your entire credibility on your being successful or not: because I (like many others here) am realistic and as one person put it: how are you going to be successful when you basically have nothing posititive to offer the “skunks” in question: whereas before they had the incentive of not only continuing the affiliate sponsor relationship which meant increasing current income but also their reputation which any smart businessman knows is nearly impossible to salvage back to an untarnished image once fallen.

    Wish you the best luck and I think it is likely in some cases you will be successful where the affs were not because I think often times the affs don’t do as much pro-active stuff towards getting paid as they do simply to go bitch about it somewhere lol. Don’t get me wrong; you shouldn’t be put in a position to have to make that choice. And I think in some, perhaps many cases, affs simply don’t know what to do short of bitching about not getting paid. And then there are surely thousands of cases out there where affs didn’t get paid but it was an amount small enough they knew it wasn’t financially wise to waste their valuable time chasing down … $200 when they knew that in the same amount of time their efforts could earn much more in an arena where they were also more likely to get paid … so they set it aside.

    I can think of many instances where your service would be OF service to the right people under right circumstances … so even if you don’t get a happy ending to this case…. stay with it and keep a professional attitude towards things and I bet it turns out to be worth your time.

    Hey briyne. Time doesn’t matter to me. Even if it’s 5 years from now and you got my money. Just mail it to me my friend. I’ll still be around somewhere, :laughing: But no prob if this case never solve in time. Eventually, something will happen to the rouged. When affiliates get screwed. Not just one but every month to all different webmasters. You know that words go around pretty fast especially at CAP and I’m sure they will get what they deserve in the end.
    briyne wrote:
    Just a short note to let you know that I am in daily contact with “realvegasonline”

    I am patiently waiting to see what kind of numbers that they’re going to come up with.

    They come up with all kinds of excuses for this delay.

    eg: ” ” is in a meeting — ” ” is not in today — ” ” is working on this file, etc.

    Be patient. I’ll get some kind of numbers one of these days.

    At least they’re talking with me. :)


    Hey Good Luck on this Brian … I for one wish you the best …

    looks can be very deceiving … if people only knew how

    much a few completely pathetic and ugly sites make they would never

    again judge a site by its front page.


    I want to thank you people for your wishes of good luck.

    Regarding ugly websites, there’s been many articles on this subject recently.
    Apparently, according to a poll, ugly websites sometimes do better than professional websites. Reasons being that professional websites come across as BIG MONEY making business. Many people don’t have faith in large businesses. On the other hand, poorly displayed, unprofessional websites, come across as a small individual who is trying to make a honest living.

    I can personally tell all of you that since I changed both of my websites from ugly to “professional looking”, my sales have fallen drastically.

    Coincidence???… We’ll see….Time will tell.

    If sales don’t inprove soon, we’ll be returning to “Plain and Ugly”

    Plain and ugly has worked for us for the last 9 years.




    Did you receive a cheque from VegasFrontier on or around August 9, 2005 for the amount of $6,400.00 ???


    what? No way. Did they say they sent me $6 k? Yea, if that was true, I wouldn’t think they were rouged. Those guys lying to you now? :crazy:


    Ok. I’m going to re-word my question. Did you EVER receive ANY money from VegasFrontier.??? Please double-check. Go back and check your receivables from July 31, 2005.

    I don’t know if they’re lying to me. I think that there’s a possibility that they could have sent you a cheque and you just never received it.

    Just double-check. Because if you received a cheque and cashed it, they can go after you for fraud. (because you are still going after them for a full payment)

    If you NEVER got any cheque, I will have them put a trace on the amount of $6,400.00.

    (That’s if you agree to settle for this amount)

    Let me know.


    Only $600 out of $6,000.
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