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Affiliate Collection Agency

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  • #685022


    would you put thousands of hours of work into something, and then just hand over control to someone you hadn’t met?

    If I had come to the end of my journey, trying to collect monies due to me, I wouild probably give the control to someone else who represents the chance of maybe collecting at least some of the money. My theory of money is this.
    100% of nothing is nothing. 50% of something is 50%. I can only assume that if someone is getting shafted by a company that owes them money, that same someone wouldn’t want to continue to do business with said company. Therefore, username and password is no longer an issue.

    You do need the proof of cash owed to be able to proceed in collecting it, but we have a great internet, affiliates can can create screen shots and email, they can print each and every report.

    We do have a 2nd option listed on our site. It is to simply supply us with proof. (Doesn’t involve username and password)

    Another sticky spot you might find, is once you get the affiliates paid, or any portion of their cash, the casinos may balk at sending the payment directly to you. Generally collection agencies are paid directly, and then they pay what was afore agreed on to the original injured party..

    We operate in both manners. We have collected monies paid directly to us and then redirected 50% of received funds to our client.
    And we have also had monies paid directly to our client and then they have sent us our 50%.

    I don’t care which way that it functions, as long as both parties get what they are due.

    Before getting to touchy here on the forum.. remember.. theres many many many affiliates here.. When we do business with you, and things get sticky, is this what we will expect to hear?

    I never intend to allow things to get sticky with my clients. The problem I had at the beginning of this forum, is the attack and ridicule that some people have shown. I really don’t care if people don’t like the appearance of the site. That’s not important to me nor should it be important to any perspective client. The appearance of a website is not relative to the ability of a person to do their job on a professional level.

    And lastly, I am curious.. do you have a plan for reporting bad debt? Aside from here on the forums of course.

    It is illegal to publically post a website to condemn non-paying clients.
    Just because the company refuses to pay you, doen’t mean that they haven’t paid other people.

    (legally very touchy situation)

    If we can’t collect from a particular person or company, we can’t legally do anything to file a complaint with the authorities. The only person who can do that is the person who hasn’t been paid.

    I have responded to this post because of the politeness of the poster.
    And I will continue to respond, as long as the tone is not condemning.


    Awesome. Let’s start by collecting from Vegas Frontier ($9,000) :hmmm: then we do world wager who do not pay affiliates as well as their own players! :hmmm:


    Awesome. Let’s start by collecting from Vegas Frontier ($9,000) then we do world wager who do not pay affiliates as well as their own players!


    I need you to send me all the proof that you have re Vegas Frontier whom owes you this money. (stats – emails – whatever you have – paid by cheque? – PayPal??? – wire transfer?? – etc.)

    Also need your full name and mailing address.



    Just a warning to y’all.

    If you have your kids hanging around while you’re working, as I do, you probably won’t want to click on the dating links, particularly the “Top Dating Sites” link; it opens up a page that has graphic photos.


    ok, briyne. I’ll send you the details before Sunday. I’ll start collecting all my previous printouts and data so you guys can get to work. Hey, but 50%, isn’t that 2 much? :notify: well, I rather get $4,000 then nothing so it’s good. :popcorn:

    Actually, 50% is pretty standard in the collection world, and just FYI, generally collection agencies have the right to play “lets make a deal” for instance, if you give me half of what you owe, we will call it even… you’d get half of half of what your owed ;) I dunno about this company, but make sure you read anything you agree to…

    Good Luck!



    We never make a deal without the client agreeing to the deal. That’s one of our policies.

    You just reminded me of a guy that wrote me a email and said he was owed between 60-80K.

    After discussing the delema on both sides, this same client agreed to settle for $2300.00. As you probably figured out, he wasn’t owed 60-80K. lol

    He accepted the $2300.00 real quick.


    Here’s some stuff you can use to collect what is due to me:


    want to know something? Before 2 month ago, I had my stats over $9,000 and they changed it because I x-ed all their Casinos. They are claiming that the money is all bonus money. Why would bonus money be listed as number of new depositors? They expect me to believe that? :nono:

    p.s: I’m getting paid CPA. $200 new deposits


    I need your username and your full name and mailing address to be able to start on your file. This is the only way that I can prove to Vegas Frontier that I have been authorized to access your account.

    You can send this info via email to or you can PM it to me.


    ok. I’m on it. :D
    Sent you all you will need to collect. Thanks and please let me know what’s going on. If this goes well, maybe we can work together to make this industry improve in better and legit ways. :D

    p.s: in my defense, paper do not lie. It clearly stats

    Number of New Depositors: 45


    I have received your data. I will look into this file sometime this coming week.

    BTW. For the Aministration or Moderator.

    I apologize for using this forum for these kinds of procedures.

    I want to notify your members that they can also use our own forum at:



    Heya Scandle, let us know how it goes okay :)

    I think it’s going to be very hard to collect this money because I know that even the software provider, RTG could not do it. hmmm, maybe they could have but they did not try hard enough. :la-de-da:

    Hi Scandle
    do not be pessimist, some guys on this planet know secret way of money circulation :rasta: , some have good contacts in Neteller or moneybookers for example. Cheer up, keep us informed

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