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Affiliate Collection Agency

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  • #592734

    I want to let everybody know that I have opened up a new project. It is a affiliate collection agency. This agency will attempt to collect monies due to affiliates whom are not being paid by their affiliations. If you have trouble collecting your monies due from any internet site, give us a try.

    Affiliate Collection Agency



    That’s interesting.

    There are collection problems periodically.


    A little cautious but very interesting. A good idea, start off by collecting from, would this be possible?


    Yeah im sure there trustworthy , from there website

    1: We need your username and password to access your stats page regarding your file. By supplying this information, it allows us to printout the proof of monies due, that we need to process your case.

    Would you like my bank account info also , or maybe my social security number?


    to be fair … immediately under that they say …

    2: You can send us any proof that you may have, if you don’t wish to share your password.

    We also need your full name and mailing address.
    Failure to supply us with this info, will unable us to proceed with your file.

    But having looked at the website I would not touch these people with a bargepole.


    Because the top thing on their site is a box advertising Online Personals and Top Dating Sites.

    Brian, if you’re serious about your new business at least have the decency to dedicate a $10 domain to this business without clotting it with unrelated ads.

    A collection agency who’s first point of business is to sell me a date?
    Hmmm … exactly what sort of business is this ….

    Thanks – but no thanks.


    from there source code i found out the site is owned by


    Well thats interesting. I would like to see his expertise in this world of Online Gambling. If we can’t collect and can he? I like the concept though hand the file over to someone else so you can peacefully continue on with your work.

    But I wonder how much someone would pay to have a team of scraper removers. Just hand the scraped links over and the team takes care of it. Better yet a doom site total cutting. A well trained team of website hit men knocking off unethical websites. greek39


    Listen people.

    I posted this article to help those that aren’t being paid by their affiliations.
    You are all entitled to your opinions about how I should display my site.
    I’ve been in business since 1976.

    Unfortunately for alot of you, you’ve been easily deceived by fancy displayed sites. Sites that promise you all kinds of benefits and bonuses. And then guess what? Oooops . NO PAYMENTS. Alot of excuses but NO PAYMENTS.

    The bottom line is that I’m NOT in the internet business to please your eyes. I’m also not in business to entertain your superficial-eye candy desires. I’m in business to deliver a service.

    Take it as it is or leave it. We will not be justifying any of these negative posts in the future. If someone needs our services, they can contact us via our website.

    With all due respect

    briyne wrote:
    Listen people.
    Take it as it is or leave it. We will not be justifying any of these negative posts in the future.

    Leave it — unless you’re looking for a date !!


    Hey we at CAP try and be a little honest around here. We will first take you apart then put you back together again. Its okay a little criticism is a good thing, it makes you better. And Gooner too funny!! greek39


    Hmm, kinda sounded interesting until you took that tone, and your site doesn’t exactly endear a sense of trust. In business since 1976 collecting affiliate debts. What were those before the Internet? And, the key question which Greek asked, how are you more successful at collecting from gambling affiliates than we would be, or our association with CAP would get us? Any case studies with gambling affiliates?


    Great Sales Pitch! :flush:


    I don’t know if they are the same, but about two months ago a similar company was offering their services to the Online Pharmacy community.
    50/50 of the recovered fees.
    No up front fees for the aff.

    I’m skeptical about this system to collect fees.
    To have some success a sanitized/notarized copy of the Back Office is needed , not to mention other preliminar expenses to have some chances in the dispute.
    Not all affs are able to take these steps ,and if the amount is important allways an attorney is necessary.


    you know when I first started out (and to be honest still today) I had a hard time taking critism about my sites even being aware that they “weren’t all that”. After all, you put a lot of time, etc into the creation and sadly but all too true; someone else comes in and in 5 seconds points out a major flaw that you totally missed, or at least allowed to go unaddressed…

    and did they see all, or even any of the wonderful qualities?

    well once there; you’ve already started the process of denial.

    In my case its usually denial followed by “fix it” followed by “closer scrutiny” followed by “now its bullet-proof” …

    which I think I am not alone in that… however I imagine that I go it alone past that point….

    because yes: sadder yet in my unique case … the whole process starts over again :)

    I think that before all is said and done; that if this business is pursued with any kind of seriousness … that a time will come where the dating stuff comes down and though nobody was eloquent enough to say it here; … when that time comes I think it will plenty suffice as public statement that “maybe you were right.”.

    What I find distasteful about this however is the attitude back because where I come from if the guy you’re trying to make a profit from says the sky is red…. baby the sky is red!

    We don’t go tellin’ the potential customers that their breath smells bad and they’re dressed funny.

    of course, I’m sure there is more than one way to do business. Insulting or telling them to “take it or leave it just the way it is” … is one that just never occurred to me.

    Good luck on that.



    Second time I’ve seen a post recently with the “take it or leave” clause :P

    I like the idea! I like both idea’s really, If I had enough knowledge in international collections I’d jump right in and compete.. Have actually thought it over several times, if our major collection area was in the US, my site would already be built!

    I like the scraper reporting idea too, might just put some thoughts into that one.

    briyne: your first post here was a sales pitch, I know its tough not to get offended.. Here you are with this great new idea that you love, and a website, and you know the perfect place to market.. and then you get shot down.. but look at it from another point of view, would you put thousands of hours of work into something, and then just hand over control to someone you hadn’t met?

    You do need the proof of cash owed to be able to proceed in collecting it, but we have a great internet, affiliates can can create screen shots and email, they can print each and every report.

    Another sticky spot you might find, is once you get the affiliates paid, or any portion of their cash, the casinos may balk at sending the payment directly to you. Generally collection agencies are paid directly, and then they pay what was afore agreed on to the original injured party..

    Before getting to touchy here on the forum.. remember.. theres many many many affiliates here.. When we do business with you, and things get sticky, is this what we will expect to hear?

    And lastly, I am curious.. do you have a plan for reporting bad debt? Aside from here on the forums of course..

    Cathy – Lady H

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