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June 1, 2009 at 10:57 pm #800298
Inactive@JasonD 204630 wrote:
I presume you are a supermod. If so you and the other supermod (What an awful name by the way – supermod, I have images of Vespa scooters, green macs and the ability to fly through the air with nothing but kryptonite being able to harm you) along with possibly the administrators are devoid in your duties by not going through these processes with me.[/quote]
Supermod is a setting in the backend of VB message boards. I was not informed that you were not briefed and needed introduction. I would have been happy to explain. All I know is that I found a request to merge threads one morning and that’s it.
@JasonD 204630 wrote:
The over riding question here is who said the org structure was changed? [/quote]
You were requesting that the supermod setting be enabled for you. It looks like you expected to run the SEO forum as a seperate unit and by yourself. If so, I should have been notified.
I have no interest in competing with you or anyone, and I have a strong dislike of long drawn out arguments that solve nothing.
All I want to know is who is responsible for what.
June 2, 2009 at 7:46 am #800305serj11
I am happy to – My number today is +44 7595 924 934 but I am tied up in meetings etc although please try.
Stop putting words into my mouth
Not once have I asked for supermod status. I do agree I asked for threads to be merged and that would have been the 1st you were aware of issues. Quite simply you didn’t merge them!
As to running the SEO forums as a seperate unit nothing is further from the truth although I am responsible for them so therefore the decision as to what happens in them is mine. That is standard and ordinary business. If you are responsible then you need to have ownership. That’s it, plain and simple and I am sure Bob’s suggestion of a call will deliver an answer for all
June 2, 2009 at 1:35 pm #800314Anonymous
InactiveJust my thoughts on this and having a set standard on rules etc I have to agree the splitting of threads was not the right thing to do it cause way too much confusion.
Now as far as supermods or however you want to call it I don’t really care the fact of the matter is this place is in trouble Dom and I were asked to stay and help and so we did. We have been around a long time and really think it plain silly to be having an issue with something so petty as titles. This is a perfect example of too many chiefs and not enough Indians!
Bob I could use a call myself on another matter please … 13143307464
June 2, 2009 at 3:14 pm #800318Anonymous
Inactive@JasonD 204653 wrote:
I am happy to – My number today is +44 7595 924 934 but I am tied up in meetings etc although please try.
Stop putting words into my mouth
Not once have I asked for supermod status. I do agree I asked for threads to be merged and that would have been the 1st you were aware of issues. Quite simply you didn’t merge them!
As to running the SEO forums as a seperate unit nothing is further from the truth although I am responsible for them so therefore the decision as to what happens in them is mine. That is standard and ordinary business. If you are responsible then you need to have ownership. That’s it, plain and simple and I am sure Bob’s suggestion of a call will deliver an answer for all
I am just tired of this.
You complained that you didn’t have enough mod powers and that means you wanted supermod powers. Supermod is merely the name of a setting in the software, and not a title. There are moderators, supermoderators and admins as settings. You now have normal moderator powers, as is commonly the case and also the policy of this message board.
I have no idea what needs to be discussed here since the only thing that is an issue is who decides on such things as deleting, archiving, splitting etc etc threads, i.e. tech functions of the message board that can have bad effects on the membership and/or usefulness/readability of the message board.
I don’t know what legal issues you keep mentioning, and if I did, I wouldn’t be the one to research if and how they apply, I am just a volunteer mod. I am not paid to take an interest in these matters, and I don’t have the time. You just tell me what the law is and I will trust that admin confirmed it with their lawyer.
What I do know is what makes messageboards tick and what makes them fail, and how our individual posters will react to what. I can already tell that Jason will stir up some controversy, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It tends to increase forum attendance and just needs to be kept on a professional level, without name calling and emotional outbursts etc.
In the above statement Jason states clearly that he wants ownership and supermod status for the SEO forum. And no, that is not standard business. Standard is that you concentrate on your expertise and the topic of the forum and a professional mod concentrates on moderation.
I agreed to stay on here under the condition that Christine and I would have complete freedom of moderation. We have made a lot of changes in how this forum is run, implemented freedom of speech and setting a tone, and they work well. If that work is going to be undermined I will leave. Admin knows this. There is no reason to think Jason would undermine it, and I welcome him and his expertise in SEO. However, we are off to a rocky start.
I am not going to get into an argument about the splitting/merging of that thread, admin can look for themselves, one thread is in SEO the other in the attic. Neither makes sense. Together they would make no sense either. Besides, Alex asked to have the second one removed, and as the author of the first post he has that right. That is standard policy. The user is always respected. Without the user you have no business.
If you absolutely must have a conference call, let me know at least an hour ahead when you will call, and I will make the time. But be aware that I hate phones and tend to be curt and wanting to get it over with asap. I make exactly one call a month, a welfare check to my aunt to see if she needs anything. Beyond that I avoid the phone like the plague. The ringer is usually turned off. I will turn it on when I expect a call.
June 2, 2009 at 10:52 pm #800353Anonymous
InactiveI heard from no one today… I have some thunderstorms approaching now and will likely be shutting down in a bit…
June 3, 2009 at 1:13 am #800357Anonymous
InactiveStorms here also on and off, also no call or a given a good time to call. Jason I sent you a pm a few days ago btw.
June 3, 2009 at 2:50 pm #800381Anonymous
InactiveBTW Arjun – I am surprised Jason was able to split a thread? I thought this was disabled in the latest VB versions? Is merging disabled? I haven’t tried it since Alex asked to have that thread removed, and also I had no idea how to merge these two so that they made sense. Some of this issue lies with the software me thinks.
June 3, 2009 at 3:22 pm #800384FreeBetting.net
I don’t think we absolutely need to have a conference call, just thought it might be helpful.Also tired of it, no need for the gloves to come off just yet guys. :yinyang:
About the supermod status, it’s just a setting, a rule if you will, you don’t have to like it, I don’t like most rules, and no independent thinker worth the time of day does, but sometimes they are a necessity.
Unfortunately for us, due to recent events, we had to set some; and at that time we decided some MODs would have privileges that others did not, and someone; certainly not me gave those privileges the title “SuperMod”
So Jason, while I agree you should have 100% authority over the SEO forums, I think for us at this time, it would be helpful if with reguard to this policy we moved forward business as usual? Let me know a good time and I’ll get on the horn with you today, to discuss if there is something else I am missing?
This isn’t to say that there is no form of arbitration, and I seriously doubt that at any time Dominique is going to draw a major line in the sand without good reason.
Christene, also, what is a good time for you?
Thanks for everything guys, sorry no call yesterday, I was up to my eyeballs in meetings. On a positive note we are getting really close to launching the new PAP in June, and have outlined some significant changes to the CAP Website.
We are also looking to do some re-design/re-development to the look and feel of the forums as well as a slight change in content layout. Once we know exactly what these changes may be, I would like to discuss with all of you.
June 3, 2009 at 3:26 pm #800385Anonymous
InactiveBob anytime is good for me, my call request is for advice and nothing to do with this thread btw
June 3, 2009 at 4:02 pm #800387Anonymous
Inactive@BobRains 204753 wrote:
, and someone; certainly not me gave those privileges the title “SuperMod”Bob
The software company for VB called the setting “supermoderator” – it’s not a title at all, it’s a software setting.
@BobRains 204753 wrote:
I don’t like most rules, and no independent thinker worth the time of day does,
That is the issue I guess, two independent thinkers in the kitchen not communicating. Spoils the soup.
Unfortunately now I think we do need to define some rules for when things need to be tinkered with – Christine and me never had to discuss anything like that because we routinely deal with messageboards and some common sense rules emerge when dealing with communities and things flow without snags for us.
They are not really rules, but they are common sense things that are based on observation on how members react to mods tinkering with their posts. People feel posessive about their posts, they don’t like to see them edited (not done without posters request unless it is spam or personal attacks/insults directed at other posters), they don’t like to see them deleted (huge no-no with the history of this board), and of course one can’t chop threads without worrying about it making sense afterwards. Locking threads is also always greeted with great su****ion from the community, and it generally is unnecessary.
Christine, got anything to add? There are a bunch more of these but I can’t thing of anything at the moment. It’s become intuitive for me.
Our membership is very fickle at this time, but I see more and more posting and things are coming back together and looking good. I see a bright future here again, as long as we treat posters with utmost respect.
One wrong edit and it will be blasted all over the net again that CAP disrespects posters and edits out their opinions and tramples all over free speech. I don’t think we can withstand even a small digression of that sort at this time, not enough time has passed for us to lose the stigma.
So I am perhaps overly protective of the integrity of the board and posters. But – it’s working, old posters (affiliate opinion makers) coming back (like gooner!), new ones chiming in, just the last week or two have given me a ton of confidence that we are coming back strong. Also my talks with program managers are much more positive re. CAP.
So, things are definitely looking up and I am quite pleased with things of late. Lets work together to make the comeback complete. Good SEO advice is a wonderful thing to add, and I am very pleased to see it added.
So let’s start over here – welcome to the group, Jason!
June 3, 2009 at 4:22 pm #800388Anonymous
InactiveChristine, got anything to add? There are a bunch more of these but I can’t thing of anything at the moment. It’s become intuitive for me.
Not really besides the fact that all of us including members are very busy and to read a thread that makes no damn sense at all because it was split is annoying and a waste of time.
I agree we got a great team here of mods and the forum us looking stronger every day, more are coming back to post as they see things are really changing as promised. I think communication is the key and this thread hashed out a lot of problems it is good to be able to debate and get all the issues on the table and still work as a team afterJune 11, 2009 at 4:39 pm #800714serj11
MemberWow, what a long thread this has turned out to be!
Christine – Sorry about PM, I hadn’t noticed it and will reply now