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About Ready To Give Up

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  • #596733

    I just did a search for my domain name and I am getting scraped massively by Japanese sites? My traffic is a slow crawl compared to what I was getting two months ago and I am pretty sure I can attribute it to these scraping bastards. Everytime I add content the scrapers pick it up off of my site before the fricken search engines even get to it. Just about ready to stop even caring anymore. Obviously the scammers are about ten steps ahead of google, as they seem to own about 40% of the big gambling key words….


    Yep its a serious situation. But we arent dead yet.

    Hang in there


    I don’t know how alla that scraping stuff really works, but what if you put up something silly, all bad facts, etc. Then changed it a day or to later?


    I don’t know really how to combate the problem since there are mass numbers of people scraping my site, everyone I get taken down there is at least three more up the next. The sad thing is all of the ones I have reported have been staying in google for quite a long time and it is very obvious it is a pure BH site, they make no attempt to mask it.


    Well maybe we can all hope that Google’s next big algo update will take care of some of this crap.

    knowwhentohold wrote:
    I don’t know really how to combate the problem since there are mass numbers of people scraping my site, everyone I get taken down there is at least three more up the next. The sad thing is all of the ones I have reported have been staying in google for quite a long time and it is very obvious it is a pure BH site, they make no attempt to mask it.
    The same exact thing has happened to my site and yes I know what you mean, it is very discouraging. The only thing I think that can be done is stand your ground, keep reporting the BHers and hope for a change in google. :drink:
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