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  • #605294

    I joined the affiliate program well over 2 years ago (rev share plan)

    A few weeks ago, I received an email from a 888 affiliate manager requesting more exposure in exchange for a bit more commission. I didn’t have much to offer in terms of better listings, but we came to an agreement that I would give 888 more exposure for a bit more commission.


    I received a “Welcome to the Affiliate Program! … To activate your Affiliate Account, etc…” I have been promoting them for well over 2 years with the same account, so why did I receive such an email? I clicked on the link and the account was activated, but it was still my same old account, with the same account number, stats, payment stats, etc…

    Sensing that something was a bit out of whack, I took a snapshot of the stats page and of how much commission I was owed for September 2007. Notice that the stats report was last updated on the 2nd of October and showed that I was owed $3,677.47 for September 2007.

    The next day, on the 3rd of October, I logged into my account again and took another snapshot of the stats report. Imagine my surprise when I found that the rev share commission earned in September 2007 was mysteriously changed to $1.25

    Furthermore, although the affiliate manager had agreed to increase my commission, I am still on the same commission plan.

    I emailed him a few days ago, but did not receive a reply.

    Needless to say, I have removed all listings until this matter is resolved.

    My questions are:

    1. Why did it take 888 over 2 years to allocate an affiliate manager to my account?

    2. Why did I receive an welcome/activation email for the same acount that I’ve been using for over 2 years?

    3. How can 888 change the rev share commission owed for a previous month a few days into the next month?

    4. Why wasn’t my commission plan updated to the new agreed plan?

    5. Why hasn’t my affiliate manager responded to my questions?

    Does anyone know if Naomi Shamas is still the Affiliate Program Director at ?


    What the? :Cry:I was planning to subscribe to Casino on Net, but now….I hope someone will reply this post…


    888 is all crap.. Most affiliates removed them long ago as well.. as soon as yiou start making money you usually get the we dont like your traffic and your account is closed email.


    …as soon as you start making money you usually get the we dont like your traffic and your account is closed email.

    Same thing happened to me. They closed my account when they owed me 6k


    The reports is now showing the correct commission amount for September :) This issue has been resolved


    888 has paid me month after month for well over 2 years.


    Hi LandOfOz, I am glad to hear that sorted your problem. I commend you on your reserved and considered posting when they had wiped $3000 from your account and had not contacted you. I hope you now feel you can trust their stats and their software going forward.

    I noticed the same thing had happened to me yesterday morning. My stats for September 2007 too have been wiped to zero when they were showing a credit for last month. My figures, though, with are a fraction of yours.’s affiliate dept do not reply to their freephone affiliate support line number (tried many times). They have not yet responded to my two e-mails and the switchboard at 888 Holdings Plc will not put me through to the affiliate dept.

    It is worrying that obviously knew of this software problem (and I generously asssume it is only that) at the beginning of the month as they sorted your glitch but, it appears, not mine. Maybe they only correct affiliates who contact them and let those who haven’t checked their stats suffer a loss.

    I do wonder if this has happened to me before as I check my stats rarely with them as they are not promoted very hard on my site and now my paranoia resurfaces as I have always wondered why my results from them are so poor where other sites promoted less hard have better ones. I am sure that is just my paranoia.

    But why is it impossible to get hold of the affiliate department? Why do they have a telephone number on the affiliate site and nobody to answer it?

    I have had little glitches with other companies before and they do have an affiliate manager on the end of the phone or they respond to e-mails immediately (even if just to say they are looking into it). With the likes of Bet365, Ladbrokes, Victor Chandler (and the list goes on) I have a direct landline telephone number to their helpful affiliate managers.

    With so many other credible companies to promote, I would advise anyone who is thinking of promoting to swerve them.

    It is how these companies react when there is a problem (and I accept there will be problems) that counts and this tale suggests have failed miserably on that point. I will let you know the upshot of this.


    Hello justbookies. Very nice site btw :) It seems that the bigger a company gets, the more you’ll need to rely on a reliable affiliate manager who is usually the only real connection between you and the affiliate program. The only other alternative is to make a big splash on the big affiliate forums and hope they notice. I’ve thought many times about dropping certain sponsors because of all the hassles associated with them such as late payments, inaccurate stats, etc, but by the end of the day, they usually resolve these issues and generate enough revenue to keep me interested. I’d hate to drop a sponsor that I have many registered players with, and then have that sponsor close my account and cut off all future commissions. In these cases, I just watch them more closely and limit their exposure. I’d like to add more new sponsors to my site, but I’m not sure if I can tell the sheep from the wolves :tongue:


    Hi LandOfOz, thank you for your comments and advice. If anyone is interested in this tale, I did manage to make e-mail contact with a pleasant lady called Dee in their affiliate department. She did tell me there had been no other reported problems like this (they obviously have short memories or have chosen to forget your very recent experience LandOfOz). Dee is having this matter looked into. In the meantime I received a separate e-mail response from an ‘Eran,’ who simply said it was due to a chargeback. I know that is not the case as the activity was at the end of last month mainly from a new client. If he had charged back they wouldn’t have even been informed about it yet. I believe Eran just whacked off a standard response when he picked up one of my e-mails (which is an insult to the intelligence). I shall await Dee’s verdict. I don’t care about the money as it is peanuts, and unlike you I do not have clients wrapped up with them so I can just dump them and warn others off if they fail to provide the true cause of this error.
    All I would like to see is a genuine reason for the error in their system and an apparent desire to uncover it. Nobody can blame problems happening, only the reaction to those problems. The jury is still out.
    A question LandOfOz, what did tell you was the actual cause of your losing your data/monies due?



    I noticed I was showing some commsion earler this week. When I checked again on Wed 10/10 my commission was showing a big fat ZERO. I thought about emailing them but decided to wait a few days. I checked a few minutes ago and my commision is back.

    I don’t send lots of traffic to 888 but I have a few deposting players and have been payed regulary, and on time, for the last few months.

    When a ship springs a leak, first see if it can be repaired before jumping overboard. But never stop posting your concerns to other passengers.



    @justbookies 141621 wrote:

    A question LandOfOz, what did tell you was the actual cause of your losing your data/monies due?

    They didn’t say what had caused “the error”. I was only told that the problem had been fixed.


    I said I would let you know what happened and here is the response from the affiliate dept (but it just doesn’t feel right especially after the guy who initially blamed it on a chargeback then admitted he had simply guessed at that answer – not honest practice – and i got this reply very quickly after chasing them yet again for an answer). You make up your own mind, but I don’t want to promote them either way. Getting this dubious answer was like pulling teeth:

    I have further reviewed your case since our last correspondence and now understand what has caused the decrease in commission.

    It looks like the account you were earning commission for has performed activities which we deem as fraudulent.

    Unfortunately there are certain restrictions on the amount of information which I can disclose to you about players who have opened accounts due to your work as an affiliate. What I can inform you is that it transpires that we have found that the some of the players generated by you appear to have come from the same source (possibly the same computer) and our policies dictate that once any player from a single source has his account blocked, all players from such source have their accounts blocked. In your case, this is what happened and has caused the significant decrease in your commission.

    This is the situation which relates to your previous work as an affiliate and as such the previous commission amounts which you saw were later cancelled due to the blocking of more than one account.

    I understand this is likely not the answer you were hoping for. I regret to have to inform you of this but such is the case.


    I was thinking about giving 888 a try after they allegedly cleaned up their act. However stories like this are not very encouraging and they do indeed make you go hmmmm!!


    I have an update on this thread of 8 months ago. have a new affiliate manager called Adam. He contacted me to ask why I had such negative comment about 888 on my site. I pointed him to this thread and sent him copies of my e-mails with 888 at the time. He has investigated the disappearance of my funds 8 months ago and it was indeed due to a fraudulent player – in this case they blocked a player that may have been underage. Adam provided an excellent response with full reasoning and a screenshot to prove the situation. My confidence in 888 is restored in them and their software! It’s a measure of how important it is that there is proper communication from affiliate managers. The 888 affiliate manager at the time should have provided an equally clear and concise explanation. I recommend that if you have an 888 related issue in future, speak to Adam. He is very helpful.

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