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6 Dishonest affiliate

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  • #702036
    Simoneaton wrote:
    Who the f$&* does this person think he is with his site ( He has no right auditing and making wild accusisations about programs including mine It is laughable that people actually read his site and believe Casino Rewards, 888, party gaming are all SCAMS? These programs are the biggest ones in our sector (are they really a scam – I think not).

    If the shoe fits, wear it.

    Sure a lot of what this person writes about is presented with no concrete evidence, but if you have been reading around here for awhile each of the programs you have listed Rewards, 888, Party, have all been in the negative limelight recently. So taking what you read in bulk and comparing it to what he is saying there doesnt take too far of a leap.


    Besides the earnings model of CR, there really has been no controversy that I can recall..

    They do not deserve to be lumped in with the likes of 888, IMO.


    nb simoneaton, this thread was half a year old


    What’s the problem with Fortune Affiliates ..

    Have been with them a long time ..:cheers:


    Claude Levy likes throwing up sites that badmouth all these people. I doubt I ever read one positive word by him.

    I also cant think of a place he hasn’t badmouthed yet.

    If he happens to pick on someone who deserves it, it’s pure coincidence.


    well … I post it a year ago while I was trying to find the best affiliate program to work with and found out very quickly that you can always find something wrong about any affiliate program if you do intensive search… so then it’s up to you to decide the one who works best for you.
    regarding this site, I think this person was only trying to get traffic to his site and to upset people who are doing a good job and working hard, as for today I know few of those programs he talked about and they are quite good.
    Also, as he didn’t write anything good about anybody I don’t think anyone should take seriously what he wrote on his site.. Plus.. how can you only write bad things?? :whipper”



    Sounds like he’s a little disgruntled. But I always test an affiliate program or have another webmaster or friend do it just to make sure they are holding up their end of the bargain.

    Scandle5 wrote:
    OK, the simplest way to find out if any of the affiliate program is a fraud.

    Have one of your friends or a person that is not related to you to sign up under your banners. Check if you have a download and a real money player.
    after that. just make that person to deposit. After couple month of deposits. You should see if some days, the stats will not take record. Then they must be dishonest. If they take stats, each and every time. They are good.

    Have anyone tried this at all? :popcorn:

    I started to do this couple weeks ago. I’m just recording only few affiliate programs right now but I’ll make sure I put my full details in couple weeks. I’m also doing this with Poker sites as well. (example: Doyles Room are very honest. I have downloaded and deposited couple times over their and my buddy who I downloaded from recieved all commision. they took 100% record. )

    Cheers :drunk2:

    p.s: many of them were actually taking full 100% but there was some un legit ones. It’s gonna take more time but this idea will help many I hope. :D

    Will you publish the results for the test somewhere?


    The APCW regularly tests programs.

    They take suggestions as to who needs testing too.

    They have a forum here on CAP.


    thats a good idea! just have someone deposit in your casino and see if the stats really par up! im gonna try that!

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