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  • #593747

    Trish will we still be paid our agreed upon 35% commissions for life at Nostalgia?


    Hi Guys,

    Sorry I missed this one :)

    I personally can not see where this would be an issue.

    However, to be on the safe side, I have sent an email back to the office about this and will confirm with you as soon as I hear back.

    Will let everyone know as soon as possible.


    Affiliate Manager
    Casino Profit Share.


    Thanks Trish:clapper:


    This was in my email this morning, but I thought it was a bit confusing:

    Revshare Percentages
    Players coming in from Adriches to CasinoProfitShare will earn revenue for their affiliate at the default revshare rate of upto 35% on CasinoProfitShare .

    Trish, can you please confirm that our existing players will earn us a starting commission of 35%? This is not the same as earning “up to” 35%.

    Thanks. :xmas:


    Yea up to 35% is a lot different then a flat 35%….


    Hi Guys,

    Sorry that I’ve not been able to get back about this to you all.

    I am still overseas and not in the office – so I have not been able to fully catch up on what is happening with the commissions etc.

    I have forwarded this to Rakesh and our senior Management for a response.

    Hopefully they will be able to get back to you as soon as possible.


    Affiliate Manager
    Casino Profit Share.


    I must apologize — for some reason I was under the impression that Nostalgia Casino earned a flat 35%. My mistake.

    The Nostalgia commission structure (as it was under Adriches) can be found here. Here it is:

    25% up to $5000
    30% up to $20000
    35% over $20000

    In this thread, cps[admin] told us that our existing Nostalgia players will be on this commission structure:

    25.0% : $1 – $15,000
    30.0% : $15,001 – $30,000
    35.0% : $30,001 – or more

    Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but this is essentially a pay cut. And since it affects my previous referrals, it is a retroactive change.

    If I knew that I could deliver $25,000 each month, of course I would sign up and promote the program that offers the best commission rate (all else being equal). In this case, it would be Adriches. 35% of $25,000 under Adriches = $8,750, whereas 30% of $25,000 under CPS = $7,500. That is a difference of $1,250 per month. 🙁

    I am extremely upset by the thought that I will take a pay cut on all of my existing players simply because CasinoProfitShare purchased the casino from Adriches. This is a retroactive change, and it needs to be addressed.

    I am sorry for stirring things up — I really do like CasinoProfitShare and Adriches — but this change conflicts with the T&Cs I agreed to under Adriches. It negatively affects my bottom line, and I am not going to accept that.

    Can you please re-evaluate this and come back with something more in line with what I agreed to under Adriches? I am sure you are aware of what happened last year when Referback and others tried to lower the commissions on existing players. I really don’t want to go through something like that again, especially not with CPS. Trish and Rakesh are both excellent affiliate managers, and I feel very uncomfortable with the situation that might potentially be unfolding. At the end of the day, though, I am going to expect fair treatment, and I am going to expect legal contracts to be honored. “For life” does not mean “until the casino changes hands.”

    So, I am asking — please, please address this ASAP.


    Dave that may require a whole second backend for CPS to accomodate the different pay structure. I understand what you are saying about exisiting players under the previous agreement, but I am not sure this is practical unless they set up two accounts for each affiliate who has exisiting players at Nostalgia.

    I am sure Brian will come up with something amicable though as they have an excellent reputation for fairness.


    I talked to Trish and Brian in Amsterdam.

    They definitely want to do this the right way, it is not a repeat of the Tradal disaster by any means.

    Unlike Tradal, Adriches was willing to sell the affiliate names so that the players could stay with the correct affiliate.

    Legally, your 35% contract was with Adriches, and if there is a discrepancy it would be the responsibility of Adriches to reimburse you for the difference. It is Adriches who sold the players you own a % of. They received the money for them.

    Unlike Party, CPS made sure they were able to map the players to the appropriate affiliates. They did this in order to do the right thing. It cost them $, and still is costing them time and money to implement.

    So far CPS has done the legally correct thing (what Tradal was lacking) as well as the morally correct thing (where Party was lacking).

    Now, tracking the old Adriches players seperately so that you can get the 35% Adriches promised you would be a very nice gesture. But it would really be Adriches’ responsibility to pay for the programming and the $ difference.

    So, I think it would be very nice if CPS could accomodate the old players under Adriches’ T&Cs. It would make all of us happy. But we do have to recognize that it would be out of generosity and caring that such a thing would be done, and that it would have to be financally feasible.

    If Adriches had not been bailed out by CPS and Casino Rewards, we would have – 0%.


    Good points.

    But aren’t CPS and Adriches owned by the same group?

    I know that it is *possible* to manually adjust the commission percentage on one casino (out of a group of casinos), because this is being done for me by another affiliate program. I don’t know how technically challenging something like this would be for CPS to implement…. depends on the backend I suppose. :)

    Engineer wrote:
    But aren’t CPS and Adriches owned by the same group?

    I don’t know.

    Are they?


    I didn’t know Adriches needed any bailing out? Did they run into financial trouble?


    Hi Guys,

    Rakesh here, previously of Adriches. Without going too much into the specific reasons why Adriches and some of its properties moved on, I can say that the operators and Adriches itself didn’t run into financial trouble, it was just time for the properties to move on.

    Over the past 12 months those of you who did promote Adriches, would have experienced the growth parallel to that of Adriches and its casinos.


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