Have you ever sat down at your computer to post up a blog and thought, “What if I gave up on blogging all together?”
If you’re like most content creators, you’ve probably encountered this scenario more than once, but dismissed as a flight of fancy. That was definitely the right idea.
Blogging, no matter how painful it may be for you to do on a daily basis, is an indispensable piece of any meaningful SEO or content marketing campaign. If you’re not convinced, let’s take a look at some facts about blogging that were compiled by the marketing blog Kapost.
Blogs Bring Leads
In a recent research study, Kapost found that websites that post 15 or more blogs a month generate an average of 1,200 leads a month. That’s an incredible amount of cash to be leaving on the table, just because you don’t want to blog.
Blogs Boost Social Media
Blogs are really the Swiss Army Knives of the digital content world because they can do just about anything. Not only can they be re-purposed into e-books, and other new types of content, they’re incredible tools for building your social media properties. According to Kapost, interesting content is one of the top three reasons customers give for following corporate brands on social media.
Yeah, But What if I Just Didn’t Blog at All?
In recent posting on his blog Quicksprout, content marketing guru Neil Patel pointed to the example of SEO expert Robert Ryan. Ryan recently completed an experiment in which he stopped blogging for almost a year and recorded the impact on his SEO footprint. The results were not pretty.
According to Ryan, his blogging blackout caused a 42 percent drop in organic traffic and a decline of 32 percent in all traffic. Site conversions, the number that actually adds up to actual dollars, dropped by 28 percent.
In short, blogging brings traffic and the day you stop blogging, is a day you’re saying goodbye to a big chunk of your business.