TITAN INCREASING INVESTMENT IN ONLINE POKER TOURNEYS Online poker site ups its guaranteed prize-pool treasury to $16 million a month Online poker visitors to the Playtech-powered Titan Poker.com website will have more and bigger tournaments in the future following the annoucement this week that the company is to up its investment in tournaments to $16 million a month. The boost comes less than a year since Titan introduced the $10 million a month guranteed prize pool system, and only two months after increasing this incentive to the present $12.5 million a month, showing remarkable confidence in the prospects of the online poker business. That confidence has been vindicated by a steadily increasing entry field in the company's tournaments, drawn to the events by significant prize pools, diverse games and related promotions that include sponsored seats to major land competitions. "We are constantly seeking new ways to offer our players more chances to play and even bigger prizes to win," said a spokesman for Titan.