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Regulated Sports Betting in Washington D.C. hits a few road bumps

Late last week, the Mayor of Washington D.C. signed off on a bill legalizing sports betting within the city limits of the US capitol. But if you're looking to place a friendly wager on the Washington Wizards, the local NBA franchise, you're going to have to wait a bit. Due to Washington D.C.'s odd status…

DOJ grants 90 day reprieve on Wire Act adjustments

US-facing operators were stunned earlier this week by news that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) is reversing the 2011 opinion on the 1961 Wire Act, the one that made online gambling legal. But late Tuesday, the DOJ granted a 90-day reprieve so that operators can adjust their businesses to the new rules, according to…

New Hampshire looking at UK-style standalone betting shops

Is the US sports betting market slowly morphing into a copy of its UK and Australian counterparts? One might draw that conclusion after hearing about an NBA broadcast that’s overlayed with betting statistics or by the news that New Hampshire lawmakers are considering a bill that would legalize standalone betting shops. Under the terms of…

Stars Group stays ahead of $870 million payday to Kentucky

Christmas came early to the Stars Group when a Kentucky appeals judge reversed a lower court’s ruling that would have cost the company $870 million in fines for serving Kentucky residents without a license. It’s a huge win for Stars Group and puts to rest a massive legal headache the company’s current owners inherited from…

College sports gets ready to (quietly) cash in on sports betting

The rise of regulated sports betting in the United States has been great news for the gaming industry. After all, it’s a move they’ve been advocating for decades and it’s a great way to get people to walk through the doors of their local sportsbook and casino. For professional sports leagues, especially the NCAA, however,…

Lame duck US Congress attempting to hobble US sports betting market

When the US Supreme Court put the power to regulate sports betting in the hands of the states, it was fundamentally undercutting the power of the US Congress and the the politicians in Congress didn't like the action one bit. Now they're making a last ditch effort to use the power of a lame duck…

Kentucky looks to legalized sports betting as pension band-aid

Is regulated sports betting the answer to the impending pension crisis faced by many US state governments? Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear would answer that question with a hearty, “Yes, and go ahead and throw daily fantasy sports into the mix,” according to Earlier this month, Beshear wrote a letter the state’s legislative bodies…

Washington D.C. approves regulated sports betting

Earlier this week, the D.C. City Council put its stamp of approval on The Sports Wagering Lottery Amendment Act of 2018, which establishes a framework for providing legal sports betting to residents of the U.S. capitol. All that’s required for the ball to get rolling is a signature from the Mayor and approval from the…

Survey says: Americans will watch the games they're gambling on

Is gambling good for televised sports? According to a recent survey conducted by Seton Hall University, the answer to that question is a resounding, yes. A recently published survey the the Sharkey Institute of the Stillman School of Business found that a whopping 70 percent of Americans surveyed said that they would be more likely…

Congressman looks to DOJ to throw wrench in sports betting momentum

Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) is not happy about the current state of regulated sports betting in the United States and is asking the Department of Justice (DOJ) to make an effort at reviving the Wire Act to stop sports betting in its tracks. Sensenbrenner's arguments, however, are skating on thin legal ice and seem to…