When lawmakers consider whether they should bring regulated sports betting into their marketplaces, the prospect of buckets of tax revenue is usually the driving force. After all, when it comes to gambling the house always wins, right? In West Virginia, where sports betting has been legal for nearly three months, that hasn't proven to be…
CG Technology was hit with a $2 million fine from the Nevada Gaming Commission (NGC) for a variety of sloppy regulatory and operational errors that have dogged the sports betting operator for years. Along the way, company officials managed to insult commissioners with a low ball counteroffer that practically laughed out of the room. CGT's…
Last year at this time, there was really not much in the way of legal American sports betting. A punter who wanted to put a little action on a college or professional football game he had to go to Nevada or the black market. Of course all that changed when the Supreme Court ruled in…
The UK sports betting industry is scoffing at a suggestion from the Football Association (FA) that they start sending a chunk of their revenue back to professional sports leagues. It's the UK equivalent of a form of graft the US leagues call, "integrity fees," and it's just about as popular as its US counterpart. The…
The advent of regulated sports betting in the United States has been a very tough haul for America professional sports leagues. After all, they spent decades warning the world about the dangers of legal wagering, and ultimately no one listened. But now that sports betting is legal, they're eager to get a piece of the…
Peruvian lawmakers are looking to reign in their country's rogue sports betting industry with a new gaming bill that covers a wide range of gaming-related topics. Under the terms of the proposed laws, Peruvian bookmakers would be exposed to new taxes that are more in line with what their colleagues across the planet are used…
Early this week Washington D.C. City Council member Jack Evans introduced a bill that would legalize sports betting in the US capitol city. Evans' strategy is to move quickly and establish D.C. as a local sports betting powerhouse before lawmakers in neighboring states, such as Maryland, can move to create their sports betting bases. In…
West Virginia lawmakers are inching closer towards passing a bill that would legalize sports at the state's licensed casinos. Local news outlets say that the bill's passage could have football fans legally gambling on the outcome of games by the end of the month, but issues regarding the professional sports league's insistence on receiving a…
Americans really like sports betting. That's the only logical conclusion gaming industry watchers can draw from the full weekend of legal NFL wagering in the United States since the Supreme Court left the decision regarding its legality in the hands of the states. Across the country, regulated sports books took in cash hand over fist…
Earlier this week, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones broke some new ground in the world of NFL sponsorships and marketing, he picked up an official team casino. The move marks the first time that an NFL team has entered into the types of sponsorship deals that are extremely common in the rest of the world.…
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