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Stay Ahead of 'Eye-Tracking Blindness'

Is poorly planned ad-placement causing end-user eyeballs to pass right by your on-page advertising? If the results of recent study titled, Beating Banner Blindness: What the Online Advertising Industry Can D0 to Make Display Matter Again, is any indication, ad-placement is a very big deal. The study, which was conducted late last year, used…

Has Twitter Lost Its Value as News Service?

Has Twitter turned morphed from a cutting edge news and information tool into the social media equivalent of the tail that wagged the dog? That’s the point New York Times writer Jenna Worthman makes in an intriguing essay titled, Valley of the Blahs: How Justin Bieber’s Troubles Exposed Twitter’s Achilles Heel. According to Worthman, Twitter has…

How To Grow An Email List That Converts

How much is a single e-mail address worth to you? If you answered that question with anything but, "It depends on the e-mail address," you might want to revisit your e-mail acquisition strategy. According to a recent blog posting on MarketingProfs titled, The Art and Science of Growing Your Email List, by Karen Talavera, the…

4 Marketing Data Predictions for 2014

Big data was one of the main buzzwords in 2013, and in all likelihood, it will remain in the spotlight throughout 2014 as well. However, the market space has changed a bit as companies started to realize that data on its own will have no impact on the scale of one's business. The secret is…

6 Steps to Search Retargeting Success

Search retargeting is a close cousin of ad retargeting and is a great opportunity for affiliates to get a second chance at converting runaway players. If you're not familiar with how retargeting works, it's actually a fairly simple concept. Though the execution can be a bit more complicated. Retargeting serves up ads for your sites…

Tips for Dominating SEO in 2014

Like it or not, SEO in 2014 is going to look a lot different than it did in 2013 but that shouldn't come as a big shock to anyone who follows the ever-shifting SEO landscape. Now that common practices such as link-building, and even guest blogging, are potential minefields, it's time for SEOs to focus…

Mobile App Use is Exploding – Are You in the Boom?

Mobile gambling is opening up a whole new dimension of the igaming spectrum and mobile apps are a huge part of the growth. According to a recent study by Flurry Analytics, worldwide mobile app use was up 115% in 2013 from the previous year. That massive growth includes a whopping 203% increase in social and…

2014 Will Be the Year of Marketing Orchestration

There are basically two kinds of advertisers: those who care about their own needs first, and those who care about their audience's needs first. In all likelihood, 2014 is going to be the year of profits for the latter and a year of friction for the former. Here's what you can do to get the…

Facebook Sponsored Stories Get the Axe

The Facebook Sponsored Story is being discontinued as the social media giant revamps its advertising platform. Beginning April 9, Facebook Sponsored Stories will stop being published entirely and all existing ads in that format will revert to other Facebook ad formats. (You can, however, still buy them right up until April 9.) Though the actual…

Now Is the Time to Jump on the User Generated Content Bandwagon

User generated content has been a rapidly growing force in Internet marketing since the Web 2.0 era began right around 2004. Sine then, user generated content sites like YouTube, Facebook and a host of others have dominated the digital landscape. In the casino affiliate world, a few sites like have embraced the concept (with…