STAX#RATING™ is back and bigger than ever. STAX#RATING™ lets all Betfair Poker Players know how good at poker they really are as well as giving each player the opportunity to win plenty of cash and some exciting prizes!
From the beginning of May to the end of August 2008 STAX#RATING™ will reflect a player’s overall performance at the tables and will give an idea of how they compare to the best poker players in the world.
The highest STAX#RATING™ possible is 100, where an individual has proved themselves to be a superb poker player, with an outstanding record, in a range of disciplines consistently over a period of time.
Could you take the scalp of Annette_15 or Imper1um? Have you got what it takes to be acknowledged as a true all-round great poker player? Join in on the Ultimate Poker Challenge..