How massive is the demand for sports betting in US States that have not yet offered regulated sports betting? A new data set from GeoComply evaluating showing attempts at accessing regulated sports betting sites from seven US States (Texas, Nebraska, Alabama, Georgia, Minnesota, South Carolina, and Mississippi) that do not offer sports betting shows that the demand is extremely high.
GeoComply, a geo-fencing provider, observed an unusual amount of sports betting activity in the borderlands between states offering legal sports betting and those that don’t. One particular example is a spot between Iowa (where sports betting is legal) and Nebraska (where it’s not legal) that researchers dubbed “The Busiest Cornfield in Iowa”. This single, isolated part of the border alone logged 326,000 attempts at accessing regulated operators.
Based on the number of attempts to access regulated betting, GeoComply concluded that the demand for sports betting in those seven states is extremely high. The company also concluded that a state like Texas could be earning as much as $300 million a year in taxes from regulated sports betting, whereas a smaller state like Nebraska could be earning $19.9 million.
The report’s conclusion is simple and unsurprising adding, “As lawmakers prepare for the 2025 legislative sessions, the data is clear: demand for legal sports betting is undeniable, and the benefits are far-reaching. It’s time to bring the protections and opportunities of a regulated market to states still on the sidelines.”