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NCAA Study Finds Gambling Drives Player Abuse

A recent study funded by the NCAA found that regulated sports betting is driving some very serious harassment of college athletes. Online Abuse in NCAA Championships, which was conducted by the Signify Group, found more than 5,000 social media posts of a harassing nature aimed at college athletes, coaches and officials.  Surprisingly an astonishing eight…

NY Beefs Up Gambling Ad Rules

Sports betting advertisements in New York will have to include much stronger warnings about the dangers of problem gambling thanks to a raft of new regulations recently signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul. The new provisions mandate that gambling ads, including those for casinos, must include the number to a problem gambling hotline and…

Reactions to Proposed SAFE Bet Act Are Decidedly Negative

Last week Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) introduced the SAFE Bet Act, a proposed set of federal laws governing the gaming business as a whole and the sports betting business in particular. Reactions to the bill, which would severely limit gambling advertising, among other things, were not particularly positive, especially from…

Nevada Moves to Withhold Excluded Players’ Winnings

The Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) are working to change state regulations that allow trespassers and excluded players to collect winnings from casino operators. The proposed changes would change the definition of a patron and require casinos post signs saying that cheaters and excluded players are not eligible to collect winnings (though they would still…

Gaming Industry Reacts to Proposed SAFE Bet Act

Representatives of the gaming industry are reacting to the proposed SAFE Bet Act, which would limit gambling advertising and kill bonus offers entirely, and are generally not enthused. Sponsored by Congressman Paul Tonko and Senator Richard Blumenthal is being described as "misguided" and "mind-boggling" by lawmakers and state gaming regulators. At a Semafor News event…