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AGA Endorses Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation

The American Gaming Association (AGA) is taking a stand against human trafficking by endorsing new anti-human trafficking legislation in the US Congress. Sponsored by Congressmen David Valadao (R-CA) and Troy Carter (D-LA), the bill would fund a program operating under the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign which would provide certification to employers who train their employees to spot potential human trafficking.

While human trafficking may not seem to be an obvious problem for gaming operators, its victims are frequently forced to solicit sex work in land-based casinos. Front line casino employees who can help identify potential trafficking victims could potentially save lives and help bring traffickers to justice.

The endorsed training course, which is provided free-of-charge to operators, is pretty standard workplace education featuring videos and follow-up quizzes. Employees that complete the course will receive a certification for their efforts.

AGA President and CEO Bill Miller heartily endorsed the effort in a recent press release saying, “Businesses across hospitality, entertainment and transportation have a responsibility to bolster the front lines in the fight against human trafficking and the gaming industry is wholly committed to this imperative. The AGA thanks Reps. Valadao and Carter for their commitment to combating this detestable crime and for recognizing businesses that share this commitment.”

AGA Vice President, Government Relations Alex Costello stressed the importance of this type of training saying, “The legislation proposed today by Reps. Valadao and Carter validates and strengthens the role of employee training in combating human trafficking. The AGA encourages businesses across the gaming industry to take advantage of AGA’s free training as part of their dedication to responsibility and protecting their communities.”

Operators looking to offer the training to their employees can email