4. The Real Secret to Keeping a Girlfriend
The elemental advice everyone should get in order to keep a girlfriend is to find a girlfriend that you can keep. I know this sounds a little redundant, but I promise there is a point. In order to find a girlfriend that you can keep you have to know yourself. By knowing yourself I mean your convictions, ideologies, principles, time management habits, sleeping habits, showering habits, your willingness to put up with emotional drama, your willingness to put your affiliate manager on hold to answer the phone and hear about her awful day at work.
Once you know these things about yourself, you will run into three types of girls: the one that it just won’t work with, the one that will adapt to your lifestyle with whom you can have a comfortable long-term relationship, and the one that will make you eager to change your habits a bit in order to keep. Once you pick one of the latter two, go back to our basic guide to keeping a girlfriend above.