January 15, 2009 (InfoPowa News) — The Swedish-Maltese online poker network Entraction was in boastful mood this week with a press release claiming that it is the fastest growing network in the industry.
It could be no idle boast; looking at the numbers shows a 108 percent growth curve this year, ranking the network as 4th largest of the open poker networks. The network said it was now ranked fourth of the open poker networks and tenth of all networks on the independent analyst website Pokerscout.com. Player liquidity has apparently doubled since January last year.
"Our enormous growth emanates from many different partners, both partners that have been part of the network for some time and new partners that have joined Entraction during the year," says Peter Åström, CEO of Entraction. "The addition of new players is of strategic importance to Entraction and we look forward to a positive effect on the result for the full year 2009.
"Entraction's poker network has now reached a size that enables us to attract a new category of partners, which is very satisfying."