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Word press and HTML

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    I have a existing HTML site which I have just installed WP.My question is what is my next step.When I log into my site I still see my HTML site.WP has been installed sucessfully using Fantastico.



    @joejoe186 251502 wrote:

    I have a existing HTML site which I have just installed WP.My question is what is my next step.When I log into my site I still see my HTML site.WP has been installed sucessfully using Fantastico.


    Did you install it in a subdomain or a folder? Were you not given a link when Fantastico finished installing WP?


    I migrated Online Casino Reviewer from a flat file html setup to wordpress. What I did was make a complete backup of OCR, then deleted everything, yep everything from the site. Installed WordPress, installed the maintenance plugin and activated it.

    Installed theme and configured layout and css how I wanted it. Then started the laborious task of manually migrating the pages over one by one, being sure to 301 redirect the previous urls. Then deactivated the maintenance plugin.

    A lot of work and I am still migrating some of the older pages over, but it will be well worth it.


    Have you tried HTML-2-WP plug in.


    No, I moved everything manually. Worth the effort to be able to get each page to render exactly how I want them.


    I decided not to use the plugin.I hired someone to do it for me manually.


    @Webzcas 251536 wrote:

    No, I moved everything manually. Worth the effort to be able to get each page to render exactly how I want them.

    I’m with webzcas on this, the benefits of manual transfer far out-weight using a plugin. WP has some great plugins but sometimes opting for the turtle rather than the hare wins the race ;)


    I’ve done it a few times and always do it manually. I wouldn’t trust a plugin to do it correctly.

    To the OP, make sure you don’t have a conflict in the root folder between index.html and index.php. index.html will always win. Just connect via your ftp and delete index.html


    @fonzi 251568 wrote:

    I’ve done it a few times and always do it manually. I wouldn’t trust a plugin to do it correctly.

    To the OP, make sure you don’t have a conflict in the root folder between index.html and index.php. index.html will always win. Just connect via your ftp and delete index.html

    That’s really important fact, it can save hours of hair pulling :D

    Also, when using Fantastico, on some systems it defaults to installing WP in the folder wordpress. So if you want it installed on your root, make sure that install box is blank. Also decide if you want or


    …and there’s me doing the exact opposite. I’ve been re-engineering old WP sites back to static. I’ve been doing it because I grew sick of all the constant software level updates to get round every new wave of hacker attack, plugin updates to follow software updates… ad nauseum.

    The only real advantage I can see WP having over static is its easy to write and upload new articles and easy for those with no htnl skills. After that, nada. WP sites are bloated, load slower, are magnets for database hackers and a PITA when you have to move them to a new server for whatever reason. Been there, done it, tore all my hair out all and won’t do it any more!

    I think if you’re serious about running a business online, learning html/css is a must. Some javascript/php is useful too. Then a properly setup static site with categories and good design beats WP hands down every time. No hassle, no stress.


    I still have several static php and html sites, however, having a database behind your content and responsible for serving your content is a must I feel in this day and age. Hence, a CMS such as wordpress is great to get sites up and running quickly, so you can concentrate on your content.

    My site is a php flat file site, apart from the news content, which is stored in a mysql database. This was a must, as the news gets regularly updated throughout the day and also by having it stored in a DB allowed me to configure it, so as and when we receive the articles, they are automatically uploaded onto the site. Meaning, I do not have to spend hours every day, having to manually add the news articles.


    @Webzcas 251657 wrote:

    I still have several static php and html sites, however, having a database behind your content and responsible for serving your content is a must I feel in this day and age. Hence, a CMS such as wordpress is great to get sites up and running quickly, so you can concentrate on your content.

    My site is a php flat file site, apart from the news content, which is stored in a mysql database. This was a must, as the news gets regularly updated throughout the day and also by having it stored in a DB allowed me to configure it, so as and when we receive the articles, they are automatically uploaded onto the site. Meaning, I do not have to spend hours every day, having to manually add the news articles.

    Yeah, I get that – WP does make things easier, especially when you have to make lots of content additions (like news).

    For me it just causes headaches with having to keep up with updates on so many sites (200+) is just too time consuming. I suppose its ok if you only have a handful of sites and with really big sites, I can see why you’d need mysql to keep it all together.

    I’m running a trial with creating a really big site with flat files, just to see how it compares to the big WP sites I’ve been running with. So far, it doesn’t take me much longer to upload a new article. I use simple html templates I developed myself, so adding the actual content is really just a case of copy/past out of a word doc – better for writing/editing too.

    But I’m probably in a very small minority of website builders these days as it seems everyone and his dog uses WP :bigsmile:


    @brodog 251659 wrote:

    But I’m probably in a very small minority of website builders these days as it seems everyone and his dog uses WP :bigsmile:

    WP is a great SEO CMS straight out of the box and Google likes it. Much like vBulletin, Google likes that too. Hence it’s why you’ll find a lot of gaming affiliates using it. Plus, it’s now so much more than just a blog.

    I started out hard coding everything on notepad, that was way back in 96. While like webzcas and others we can all develop sites on our own steam, I like so many others have chosen WP over the last few years to power all my sites.

    JUst because I use WP doesn’t mean I don’t tweak under the hood. So either if your developing bespoke sites or use WP, Drupal etc etc, it’s a huge advatange knowing how to code.

    Albeit the updates etc etc can be a drag but if your keep your plugins down to bare basics and ensure you protecting your back-side against script kiddies, then WP saves hours of work, time one can spend writing content etc etc.

    I also think if your going to be a serious affiliate you also need to have decent hosting. At min a VPS or better yet your own server. Least this way you have far more control over things, besides knowing your not sharing an IP with a porn site and what not.

    Just my 2 cents worth :D


    @AussieDave 251663 wrote:

    I started out hard coding everything on notepad, that was way back in 96. While like webzcas and others we can all develop sites on our own steam, I like so many others have chosen WP over the last few years to power all my sites.

    Haha, yeah I also built my first html site back in 96 in notepad and man it was pug ugly! But it was all mine! I was selling hypnosis tapes (yep. cassettes tapes) off it and it blew me away I was actually making some sales.

    @AussieDave 251663 wrote:

    I also think if your going to be a serious affiliate you also need to have decent hosting. At min a VPS or better yet your own server. Least this way you have far more control over things, besides knowing your not sharing an IP with a porn site and what not.

    I’ve been running on a VPS with dedi IPs and private nameservers for a few years now for the biggest of my money sites. I needed the space initially for my big weight loss site that was really pulling in some serious traffic. At least that was until a certain black n white animal was unleashed by Uncle Goog a year ago and the gravy train ran out of track.

    Since then I’ve been trying to justify keeping the VPS. Getting into igaming was the answer.


    I also went back to static website.

    What do you do use for blogging,Also do you submit articles to directories.I heard that article writing is dead.

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