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New here, just sayin’ hi!

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  • #629683

    Hi there, just like to introduce myself to the forum. My name is Terry and I’ve been working online as an affiliate in the health niche, specifically weight loss for several years.

    I recently decided to get into igaming an see where it takes me. This forum was a kind of first point to get started and was recommended to me by a friend as the best place to learn teh ropes and keep up with what’s happening in the industry, so here I am.

    Hope to meet you all as I go. Thanks! 😎


    Hello brodog, welcome to the forum!


    hey Terry, welcome! Where are you from?


    Hi Terry! Welcome


    Welcome to CAP Terry and good luck with your new endeavour.


    Hi Guys, thanks for the welcome.

    I’m originally from the UK, but I live in Spain the last 10 years. I like the sun and hate the cold ;-)

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