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Rev.Share Deductions

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  • #629607
    AVRA Media

    Hello guys,

    After looking into the T&C’s of some casinos and reading through this forum I still don’t really understand how do casinos arrive at their net revenue figure? For example some casinos charge as high as 28% of gross revenue in administrative fees whereas others charge under 20%. Is it legitimate that some casinos charge much more than other in fees? And what is the average gross vs. net percentage?

    What are your experiences?



    I know it sucks that some casino’s deduct a lot of costs before giving you your rev share.

    But not all of them are like that, at some casinos you get your rev share over the loss, no hidden fees and all.

    I would suggest to avoid programs that deduct a high % before calculating rev share. (like affiliatelounge does).


    Yeah the “new” microgaming revshare is garbage, they state high % but after the fee’s its less than 25% usually.


    Deductions are what they are.

    If you think about it – there must be thousands of line-items and expenses in running an online operation – staff, property, licensing of software, financing etc, and these all need to be accounted for in some way. If they are not shown in an obvious way – then how are they being taken care of?

    I am surprised to see the significant variation in deductions too, but I prefer to keep my eye on the bottom line net figure first, rather than worry about deductions. If you don’t like the net figure – then it’s time to review the partnership and determine whether to terminate or renegotiate the deal.


    Well my best intro was I took a speacial 70% revshare based on new player sign ups, for the month I did better at the OLD 35% rate VS the 70% – all the deductions…

    So do what you will


    Some casinos have definitely better deals than others, with no extra deductions etc…I would follow the test and proceed tactic. If a casino is not honest with you or has a lot of extra deductions, there are plenty more out there that are willing to affiliate with you with better terms :bigsmile:


    Hi Guys,

    take a look at our program, we do not hide costs and we really have high rev. share 45 % and very low costs.
    BUT we reward our partners with special bounties, so it is possible to get 7500 € additionally with reachable goals.
    take a look at royale24


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