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So my site just died on google, pls help me!

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  • #629004

    I refuse to give up! (directed at Ms. Sarah haha) and I need your help real successful affiliates.

    My site is still very new and it was getting an average of 200 views per day for a all of November until Nov. 23. Then poof…… 12 impressions, and the next day 6, and they day after 0 impressions. Its not getting any search engine visabiliyy at all, before i was on the first page for a certain long string keyword. If you were to google my sites name exactly it comes up, some old cashed and some apparently some new so its index but you cant find it no matter what you search for. WHY!!!!

    1. Is it due to the fact that no matter how hard I try I find it impossible to gain back links, maybe one good back link person dropped me and that was my only good one so my site died? I know my site was still performing back when i had zero links.

    2. Artificial google boost is over because my site is 4 months old?

    3. I tried making a free link directory but deleted it after seeing my ranking die thinking it could have killed it. Seems weird that the directory would rank on the first page of google and be the cause of my search death but i deleted it after 6 days anyway.

    4. No malware detected and my site is not on the blacklist when i checked

    Please help me guys, to be honest i am quite sick and have been going into surgery after surgery and this is supposed to help my wife live as I havent been able to work in a year. Now I’m really worried as my only investment just hit rock bottom. We are not well off.

    If you could find it in your hearts to help me out anyway possible I promise to send your good energy along with me when I pass lol. :bouncer:

    Any info as too why, how I could fix it, a “dofollow” link from you for one from me, or just morale support I would be honored and in your debts. A link to my site is casinobonusandfreechip dot com.

    Sincerely and with great hopes and wishes for all,

    P.S. Thanks again


    Short life is a good reason it may bounce, also your keywords used in links, they a better not all be the same!


    I should make outbound links containing my key words your saying? Thanks for the response :)


    no, inbound links… how many inbound links do you have, and what are the keywords used?


    And the name of your site may help.


    Why give us a link to a crappy site when you have

    Facts people is what we need to give you help!


    It could be 1001+ factors. Did you recently do or change something major just before the site sunk in the serps? Maybe an overly aggressive link building venture, or a major change in all of the meta tags … It literally could be anything. You are the best person to figure out what could’ve happened.


    @LandofOz 247335 wrote:

    It could be 1001+ factors.

    That it could be, it’s like asking how long is a piece of string.

    I pulled the code and took a quick look. Man it’s like dogs breakfast in there. Have no idea what your using to edit this, but what ever it, kick it to the curb.

    A couple of quick observations:

    • Coding doesn’t commence till line 1316
    • For all the CSS in the header the site still uses table lay-outs

    Excerpt of the coding directly after the opening body tag:


    The you have:



    Followed by the use of tbody tags

    Maybe you issue stems from this bad coding. But I dare your initial success has now been squashed due to Google conducting a deep crawl. Your navigation links (least the one’s I tried) all pointed to casino your promoting. Not to mention pages opening in new windows; even pages within your own site.

    If it was me, I trash this site and invest my time working the Word Press site you have. But, I’d change that from to using a 301 redirect in your .htaccess file.

    Also, I try and find another free theme. Or better yet spend a few bucks and get a premium theme. The one you using now has way too many free links at the footer. Which actually point to sites which are not even in your niches. These could be viewed as paid links.

    You may also want to check your links pointing back to your site.

    I checked and you have 200 so far, obvoiusly add by you. Man you need to slow down. Adding all these will Red Flag you with Google.


    Thanks guys, my intention was to have you look at the WP site. Man you all rock so hard :) That homepage was literally my first website I wrote it almost line by line teaching myself what things meant. Its total trash…I guess my pride was holding on to it. Sadly the homepage has been out ranking the WordPress side in the last week. The Google spiders are picking it up again slowly now.

    Yes I had changed a lot of the site, uninstalled .XML sitemaps and gziped my own site map…I think that helped killed it. In addition I changed a bunch of meta tags like an overzelous newbie. Changing a lot of meta data can kill it?


    Aussie Dave proved my code on the homepage looks like vommit lol. What can I do about bad links short of disavow?


    I’m really sorry I linked to my garbage homepage when I was asking for help on casinobonusandfreechip/wp/ I didn’t intend to waste your time, but it wasnt a waste at all because now I’m pretty confident I should do the 302 redirect thing.

    Again Google is slowly picking it back up rmeuu’s mustache is helping.

    1. Can chaning meta data a lot at once kill your SeO?
    2. Bad links are bad but I read here to not do disavow, true?


    Ok that took almost all day but I got the old homepage out and the wordpress site in as the root domain.


    I followed all of your advice, well mostly….my rank is back and better than before. I owe you guys a pint..cheers! :rasta:
    *issue closed*


    @muffincrumbs 247357 wrote:

    I’m pretty confident I should do the 302 redirect thing.

    2. Bad links are bad but I read here to not do disavow, true?

    A 302 is a temporary redirect, a 301 is what you need to use if your going to redirect from the root to your WP. However if it was me, I’d do the opposite.

    Set up your WP installation on your root, then use the 301 redirect pointing your pages back to the same pages on your root. As far your first site. Just redirect everything to your base url.

    This disvow is like a last resort. Kinda like putting your head between your knees and kissing your ass, when the plane your on drops out of the sky. Remember even if you use it, Google gives no guarantees it will honour your requests.

    Though seeing what Google’s been up to lately, it will probably use this action to bend you over, even if it doesn’t physically remove the bad link juice.




    @AussieDave 247525 wrote:

    Though seeing what Google’s been up to lately, it will probably use this action to bend you over, even if it doesn’t physically remove the bad link juice.

    Right..the big G sticks it to you so hard and then claims their your best friend. Literally everything they promised has been a lie. It’s like my first girlfriend but that’s a story for another day. I changed it to a 302 perm. as per your suggestion.

    I like your analogy for the disavow tool lmao. I used it when this thread was started on a really bad link. I made the .txt as it instructs and my ranking has improved as discussed from then until now. If I were to add another domain to it I almost guarantee I will feel that “bend over” quite promptly.

    One apparently doesn’t hurt too bad..actually looks like it helped. *as a plane crushes him*

    Thanks again.

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