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New Site needs review

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  • #627188

    Hi –

    I’ am new to the industry,please review my site




    I think it looks great! nice work


    Thanks for the review


    @joejoe186 238497 wrote:

    Hi –

    I’ am new to the industry,please review my site



    Welcome to the CAP Community, joejoe186! And thank you for sharing your site with us.

    Great start! I do have some suggestions for you, however:

    1) The Top Games & Top Casinos sections are a bit difficult to read. I would suggest increasing the font size for better readability.

    2) In the best Jackpot Casino Section, instead of providing the Software Providers logo, I would suggest putting the casino’s logos instead.

    3) I would suggest alternating the color scheme… Perhaps add a complimentary color to green… such as orange or blue.

    Best of luck to you!


    @joejoe186 238497 wrote:

    Hi –

    I’ am new to the industry,please review my site



    Looks a biiit like the Wagerjunction casino portal template (hxxp://, but you have a new logo, different colours and affiliate links in place. Niiiice job!


    You are correct it is a WJ template.Thanks for the review.


    I would look at some other free templates out there that have a little more modern feel to them. It appears a bit blocky and unfortunately bland. The greens for the site and the newsletter do not appear to match.

    Look at possibly doing som subtle earthtone colors instead of the dark colors on white possibly. Dont get me wrong your on the right track but you need to play with it a bit, I would suggest building some content in what you have now, then play with other templates possibly on a test page.

    Also the link for the template at the base of it is not doing you any good as well.

    This game is all about learning and improving today what you did yesterday, keep it up and you will do great.


    Thanks for the review.


    HI I tool a look at you site and here are a couple of things
    1) Title tag = 60 characters including spaces
    2) If you gets hits from the USA where can they go? – not to any of the casinos you have listed
    3) your alt tags are eg alt=”home” try putting your keyword phrase there eg alt=”best casino sites”
    4) I would Bold the text – hard to read
    5) Do people click on links or images – who knows – but none of you casino images at the top are clickable
    6) I would find casino that give you more than 25% (maybe you get more I don’t know) and that take USA players
    7) You have no H1 <--- very important, make it the same as your keyword phrase


    Nice layout and colours in my opinion

    Ivo van Beek

    Hi and welcome to the forum!

    For being new to the industry I think it looks pretty darn good, I would add maybe a bit more Casinos from different softwares so theres more option for your players to enjoy. Overall I think you are on the right track! Best of luck to you!


    @joejoe186 238514 wrote:

    You are correct it is a WJ template.Thanks for the review.

    It wasn’t really a review – I was just stating the fact that you are asking us to review the WagerJunction template with minor changes like background color etc.


    What does atlcasino stand for?
    ‘Privacy Policy, About Us, Contact Us’ says “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”

    So far it looks like it is ‘straight out of the box’.

    If you want to build pr rank and avoid ‘casino code system change’ hassles you could consider link redirects.

    Nice start!


    Atlcasino is short for Atlanta Georgia.I did not realize that privacy policy in foreign language.I noticed you are from US what casinos attract US players.

    I”am not sure what you mean by “code system change”can you elaborate.

    Thanks for the site review.


    @joejoe186 238554 wrote:

    Atlcasino is short for Atlanta Georgia.I did not realize that privacy policy in foreign language.I noticed you are from US what casinos attract US players.

    I”am not sure what you mean by “code system change”can you elaborate.

    Thanks for the site review.

    The text that is there are just random words that template creators use as placeholders. You are supposed to replace it with your own.

    Sometimes casinos change their tracking systems. Some do it to improve reporting. A lot of recent changes have been thrust upon them when their .com domains were seized and they needed to change their website addresses to .eu etc.

    Either way, you end up needing to change your links to them. If you originally set all of your links for a casino to go to one page of yours (that redirects to the casino), then you only need to make one page change rather than dozens or hundreds of changes.

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