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Google BlackList Remover

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  • #627140

    Hello guys,

    Last month I bought a new domain called road2poker dot com and is listed in the google black list. When i bought the domain i did not think about to check it if the domain was active in the past or if is listed in the Google Black List.

    Here goes my question: Is it possible to remove it from the google black list and how can I do this?

    Thanks a lot,

    P.S.: Sorry for my poor English!



    Hi Bogdan:

    First and foremost… Welcome to the CAP Community! Thank you for joining us! :hattip:

    Second… this is an awesome question… Anyone in the community have any insight? In the mean time, I will reach out and see what info I may be able to get for you!




    Hi – yes it is totally possible. But you should fix the text first so the site looks finished. Then add it to your webmaster tools account at:

    Once you have it added there, in the left sidebar there should be an option for “Reconsideration Request”

    Just click that, and fill out the necessary info and in the text explanation box, let them know that you bought the domain and you would like to have the site indexed now. I have had this problem with several domains that I bought and google is really good about reindexing the sites for you.. as long as the new site is compliant, and you either A) tell them you know what you did wrong and wont do it again or B) you are a new owner of the domain.

    This can take a few weeks for someone at google to review your request and site, but it has worked for me every time.

    Good luck!

    @alebogbur 238330 wrote:

    Hello guys,

    Last month I bought a new domain called road2poker dot com and is listed in the google black list. When i bought the domain i did not think about to check it if the domain was active in the past or if is listed in the Google Black List.

    Here goes my question: Is it possible to remove it from the google black list and how can I do this?

    Thanks a lot,

    P.S.: Sorry for my poor English!


    So how does one check if one’s site is listed in the Google Blacklist? Have I missed something here?


    @DioBach 238361 wrote:

    So how does one check if one’s site is listed in the Google Blacklist? Have I missed something here?

    There is no blacklist (that I know of).. they just deindex the website, and wont re index it until you make a reconsideration request and convince them that the problem is fixed.


    Thanks a lot for your advice’s Play I will follow your steps and I will come back with an answer when I will solve the issue.

    @Play 238335 wrote:

    Hi – yes it is totally possible. But you should fix the text first so the site looks finished. Then add it to your webmaster tools account at:

    Once you have it added there, in the left sidebar there should be an option for “Reconsideration Request”

    Just click that, and fill out the necessary info and in the text explanation box, let them know that you bought the domain and you would like to have the site indexed now. I have had this problem with several domains that I bought and google is really good about reindexing the sites for you.. as long as the new site is compliant, and you either A) tell them you know what you did wrong and wont do it again or B) you are a new owner of the domain.

    This can take a few weeks for someone at google to review your request and site, but it has worked for me every time.

    Good luck!


    @alebogbur 238372 wrote:

    Thanks a lot for your advice’s Play I will follow your steps and I will come back with an answer when I will solve the issue.

    No problemo, glad I could help!


    @alebogbur 238330 wrote:

    Hello guys,

    Last month I bought a new domain called road2poker dot com and is listed in the google black list. When i bought the domain i did not think about to check it if the domain was active in the past or if is listed in the Google Black List.

    Here goes my question: Is it possible to remove it from the google black list and how can I do this?

    Thanks a lot,

    P.S.: Sorry for my poor English!


    Hi Bogdan:

    I posted this question to our social media channels and received the following feedback so far…

    From 2 Excellent SEO’s:

    Hope this info could also help… on top of what our great community members have also contributed. Please let us know the outcome!


    I’ve had many sites of mine drop off of google entirely.

    Instead of just letting them lapse, I just started over from completely.
    Two of them are now pr3.

    I just learned my SEO lessons and went on!


    @JillO: Thanks a lot for ur help. I made q reconsideration request and now i must wait 2 weeks till i will get an response from google. Hope that will be an positive one :D
    I will come back with an answer when i will got an respone.


    Make sure all your ducks are in a row, and I mean in a very pretty tight nice row as google will take a close look.


    @alebogbur 238434 wrote:

    @JillO: Thanks a lot for ur help. I made q reconsideration request and now i must wait 2 weeks till i will get an response from google. Hope that will be an positive one :D
    I will come back with an answer when i will got an respone.

    Just a tip – if you dont fix the text on the site its more likely that the site wont be reindexed from your request to google. If it has been with the filler text for a long time, its possible thats the reason google deindexed it in the first place..

    Anyway good luck.. :)


    I’ve requested reconsideration before (via google webmaster tools) and it was resolved very quickly.


    crap, wasnt aware of the reconsideration option, had some good blacklisted domains i bought ages ago i let expire. ah well, at least now i know :>


    I have bought a few domains that I had to request reconsideration, only one of them got denied. So, have you heard back from Google yet? What was the result?

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