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  • #625659

    Hi All,

    I’ve recently been approached by a couple advertisers who were interested in advertising on my site with banners.

    Just to get a feel for “standard ad rates”, could someone perhaps please post a range of what they’ve charged monthly for banner ads of different sizes? I imagine the bigger the ad, the higher the price, right?

    Some standard sizes: 125×125, 250×250, 120×600, 728×90, 468×60….

    Also, if there’s already a thread with a similar question posted somewhere on the forum, I’d be grateful if an admin could direct me there.

    Many thanks!



    Hey Robbie- I’m researching some information for you and will be more than happy to get back to you with some details. More to follow…

    In the mean time, anyone out there who has some insight off the cuff, please do share.


    Thanks JillO – looking forward to seeing the results of your research! Very much appreciated!


    @JillO 232147 wrote:

    Hey Robbie- I’m researching some information for you and will be more than happy to get back to you with some details. More to follow…

    In the mean time, anyone out there who has some insight off the cuff, please do share.

    Hey Jillo,

    Just windering if your research yielded any results…

    Would be happy to hear…


    Hi Robbie:

    Just sent you a PM with some details… Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

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