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Should I sell My website?

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  • #624378

    I hope this is the right section for my post. I’ve recently received an 3500€ offer for my italian casino website I want some pro advices because I’ve never sold a website before. Should I sell it? It’s a good deal or not? The site have 100+ posts, 30-60 visits/day (80% organic traffic), aprox. 1300 unique visitors/month and make me 300$/month. The siteis in the first page of for a lot of casino, poker and bingo related keywords.




    I think that’s this is a question only you can answer for yourself. 3500€ is a good amount of money, but the site you are selling can achieve this sum in about an year, perhaps a bit more. As your earnings are progressive, I am assuming that over time, the monthly income will raise for sure.

    If you consider the site, something you are no longer interested in, or perhaps want to head in a different direction, then sure sell it, get the money and invest them in whatever you want.

    However if you have put a lot of effort in it and you enjoy working on it and it makes you happy that you see results and revenue, I don’t think you can put a price on that, and I would suggest to pass on the offer.

    Bottom line is that you should listen to yourself, as someone else on the forum, might give you a quick summary and their own opinion like myself, but we have no idea the trouble and effort you have went through and how valuable that site is to you.

    Hope this helps.



    Personally, I wouldn’t sell a well ranking site. It will only get better with age.

    But, it’s up to you to see how things in your life are currently. If you don’t need the money and have no plans for it, I would wait.

    Ivo van Beek

    I agree with the fellow posters of this thread, if you don’t need the money right now then I would wait it out, I’m sure you can earn that amount of money in a year or so, so why sell it?? In the long run I feel it will be worth it!:colgate:


    In the last week only, the site made me 217$ ($400+ this month) so I think I won’t sell it for now. I don’t need the money at the moment but do to some problems I don’t have so much time to keep this site updated. It is the only reason because I was thinking to sell it.

    Thanks anyone for your replays.


    The hardest part of building a website is getting it up and running and making those first few conversions. If you still have enough time to make some updates and keep all of your links active, you should be able to keep it going.

    To be honest though, 3500€ seems like a fair offer for that website.


    After I’ve read all the opinions here on CAP, I’m updating the site at least twice a week and the conversions are very good this month. In one of the aff programs that I promote I have 26 new depositors till now and and in many others I have 2 to 5 . If nobody make some good cash out I’m sure that till the end of this month I will earn at least 600$.


    If its making you money, then you should keep it and work hard on it. If you just waited one year, you would have the asking price from your earnings. It sounds like a good amount of money you are making considering what the UIGEA has done to the USA market. Great domain name, I think you should keep it :)


    Personally if it is making you money on a monthly basis then keep it. It seems like atm it is a guaranteed amount of money for no work. If you sold it and then you just blew your money you will be upset that you were not getting the $300 coming in each month.

    With your update posts it seems like the site is getting better which is great, congrats.

    A tip to note is, the more your site makes, the more it is worth. If you can keep the $600 or so up that will mean you have doubled your sites value.


    @bingodude 227744 wrote:

    a guaranteed amount of money for no work.

    There is a lot of work to find news and casino related topics and to write new articles on a weekly basis but as you have said, perhaps the site’s value will increase a bit.
    I’ll keep this post update to let you know how it goes.


    Dont sell the site – if you ask me:-)

    A few years I was offered around 19k$ for my german site and I refused. Im very happy today that I didnt sell.

    Spilleautomat anmeldelse


    You mean the site in your signature?
    I have many sites like this one but I couldn’t find any buyers for my sites for these amount. 227756 wrote:

    Dont sell the site – if you ask me:-)

    A few years I was offered around 19k$ for my german site and I refused. Im very happy today that I didnt sell.

    Spilleautomat anmeldelse


    It was a guy who really liked the domain name…


    @jopaa 227752 wrote:

    There is a lot of work to find news and casino related topics and to write new articles on a weekly basis but as you have said, perhaps the site’s value will increase a bit.
    I’ll keep this post update to let you know how it goes.

    Ok, then you need to decide if it is worth the time and effort for the monthly pay out. The site will continue to grow if you keep at it. It is just the matter of not giving up when you cba or you have a bad month.

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