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  • #624079

    Hey guys,

    My name is Seth and I have been in the industry for about 3 years. I originally got started because a friend of mine had an idea for a poker product. I knew nothing about poker at the time, but I thought it was a good idea. I used it and we ended up winning about $30,000 in about a year between the 2 of us in poker winnings. We decided to spend all that money into trying to promote the product which turned out to be a waste and we burned through all the profits. PUKE. Anyways, in the process I had gotten a job at an advertising agency working as an affiliate manager and met a lot of cool people along the way.

    To be honest, I think my biggest problem is I am freaking lazy. I know a decent amount, but I am not utilizing it. I have been working 97 hours a week for about 2 years trying to put this product together and it bombed. I have been drained, but am looking to start things back up again. I am trying to get a little more motivated and I think being surrounded by people who know what it going on in the industry is a good start. So I wanted to introduce myself. I look forward to learning a lot more and meet a bunch of cool people in the process. I think this is a good place to start.



    Great story….Looking forward to the happy ending where you are a rich billionaire affiliate :bigsmile:


    @pokerbetter 226487 wrote:

    Hey guys,
    I think this is a good place to start.

    This is definitely a good place to start. Don’t make the mistake I made, jumping from website to website. And an important part of your project should be to drive traffic to your website. If anything, that is where you should spend most of your time, and possibly money as well!

    Traffic = Money.
    No Traffic, no money.


    @Rak 226545 wrote:

    Traffic = Money.
    No Traffic, no money.

    That is very true.

    @pokerbetter 226487 wrote:

    Hey guys, 97 hours a week for about 2 years Cheers!

    Is that even possible or is it a exaggeration?

    Yeah, at the start you can not be lazy unless you are loaded and then you will be fine. To start in this industry with little money or none at all you will need to put a lot of effort in.

    Adam W

    Ya agreed…
    I just back into this industry and it has been a ton of work as I dont have a huge budget to work with. Affiliate marketing with small budgets is definately not for the lazy…. But I do wish you luck in your venture back into this industry.


    What a story. Given that you’re poker player, i’m sure being an affiliate in one is about the best thing you could do. Nothing beats helping the players when you’re a player yourself.

    Although i’m new here, i’ve already heard a lot of good things about this forum and i can’t wait to see what it’s got. Looking forward to learning from you all.

    Good weekend everyone :)


    Hey Seth,

    Welcome. I’m relatively new here myself. Just started working with CAP in January.

    Looking forward to watching you grow and turn into the next superaffiliate. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you and your business.



    @Rak 226545 wrote:

    Traffic = Money.
    No Traffic, no money.

    That’s why websites are built. Revenues.


    Nice quote!


    Hi, make sure you do google searches for s.e.o purposes and try to compete against search terms with lower webpage competition to rank up against.


    Welcome back.

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