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most effective ways to use facebook, twitter etc

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    hi, i have been trying to use facebook and twitter to promote my sites and to leave a footprint by dropping links in facebook(my account, fake account, on fan pages and group pages) and the same for twitter, i also have made a facebook fan page to promote my site but i cant get any fans lol, i dont want to spam my friends feeds wall, so is their a correct way to do this, what do you guys/gals do? anyhelp as always is super appreciated because i hear social media is a really important part of seo


    facebook and twitter can be very hard to drive traffic to your website.

    With twitter, people will follow you if they think your conversation is unique, you reply often, you are witty, you have something great to say. but you have to invest a lot of time into it.

    Facebook, you may have more success with this over twitter once you have a page full of users. For your Facebook page, I would think about doing something very niche to attract those members. There are so many pages on the same topics out there, and new people searching for pages will generally join pages which have greater number of users already on it.

    But to get the full benefits of facebook, you would need to create an application where people need to register – giving you access to their details. Off course the application should be interactive, or something you could see which users would want to use on a daily basis.


    We have used facebook a lot lately and tried several strategies: I think the best way is to be active on your private profile and then link to your fan page. People often find updates from your fan pages irritating, but if you use your own private profile it feels different. Further more be active in making comment, likes etc. Then other people such as your friends friends will start notice you and see what you have to offer. We have started to get fans that we didn’t knew excisted :)

    It takes time, but works. You can also find a lot of tips and tools on YouTube.

    Good luck!


    For both FB and Twitter, I use my RSS feed to add posts. Whenever, I post to my blog, I have it set through Feedburner to ping FB and Twitter.
    I will be working on a fanpage later this week and to get some ‘likes’ to the page, I will use
    Fiverr . Search for ‘facebook and likes’–there are many providers who will assist with your social media numbers.


    Thanks Gaylem for sharing the fivver website with me. Just wonder what’s your experience of the quality from people offering their services. I am looking for a video production for my youtube channel.



    I have had good success with fiverr, probably spent about $150. I had 2 videos done for $5.
    They are both here: YouTube – gamerisms: games glossary & quiz site for sports, casino, video game players

    The gig was done by: dzeyzn: I will make 2 killer 30 sec videos with your site url for $5 at
    I don’t use them for content as not sure what $5 would get me. Your mileage may vary.
    I use for content.
    Submit the words ‘do follow’ at fiverr, if you are looking for social and backlinks that boost traffic to your site.
    Or submit any other keywords for what u are looking for, and then sort by popularity. I check
    the other comments from buyers to determine best service.

    warp speed

    First of all I would like to say Both of the Social media are quite sensible but very effective to get traffic through.

    I have been a great Fan of Facebook as It’s not only given me the platform of keep in touch with my relatives but it’s given me a chance to make lot of money.

    Facebook status part is a fine way to get huge amount of traffic, you only need to post an interesting status promoting your website or related to your niche . As long as you provide interesting status, you will always get traffic and possible comments from your peers and probably their peers too.

    and don’t try to over promote you website as well.

    you can promote different web links, videos and banner ads on your status as many as you want; there is no limit. But always remember to make sure that your post consist valuable content and links because if it is not so ,No one(Your friends) will ever click your links again.

    Twitter is also the best possible way to get much more traffic for your site Or Blog. Just follow the tweets related to your website niche and always keep on tweeting related to your website promotions or related to your niche.

    I think it’s quite enough to go through, I hope i have given few inputs from my end. if any one knows more plese let me know.

    Have a great time to all of you.


    I find that twitter and facebook help retaining existing players. But occasionally I get new players as well. Like most on here stated, if you generate new and unique content as well as staying active – (and by that I mean replying to posters or being conversational), eventually you’ll have followers who will sign up through your links.

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