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Another Newbie (Purchasing Affilate site)

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  • #620769

    Hi guys,

    Im looking to start my own casino affiliate website. but i am a complete novice.

    I would be very great full if somebody can point me in the right direction.

    i would even consider purchasing a ready made site. please PM me any info.

    Thanks in advance for any info.



    Firstly congrats – You are famous

    Secondly – Read as much as you can here at CAP, don’t rush into buying a random site from a random person, find something you are genuinely interested in as this will help with motivation in months to come when earnings are initially low, find a niche, always ask questions, don’t give up….it will happen

    richard 123

    Hi John,

    You should click on alexpratt’s forum signature link and subscribe to IGaming Busines Affiliate Mag. It’s a pretty decent read and will give you an idea of the going on in this lovely industry :D

    When you find an area that interests you, ie, Casino, Poker, etc. Join up with the affiliate programs of a few sites you like and talk to their Affiliate Managers. They’re pretty helpful and are there to help.

    Good Luck,



    You can go to the buy/sell website section of the forums were you find many good option but be careful before proceed…….


    try my site for a quick howto guide… Its a basic how to, set up a affiliate site with out having to invest any money (aside from getting a hosting server to run on). Short guide to get you in the right direction. Online Casinos for Real Money – How to Become a Casino Affiliate | Webmasters Guide

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