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I have created a new section in my site

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  • #619417

    After a lot of help from CAP I have successfully launched a news section Online Casino News at my site Online Casino Guide – Assembly of Well-Renowned Online Gambling
    Please visit it and say your opinions.


    …web gambling operators than never before.

    Just a small typo, otherwise your site looks interesting.


    News sections are always great Dave and good job here with it. Crucial to keep it updated as much as possible too, for both SEO and visitor/repeat visitor value purposes.

    I’ve got several brands to provide you with plenty of news content if you’re keen on some help – casino news isn’t always the easiest thing to generate! Drop me a pm if you’re interested.


    tomgalanis;212298 wrote:
    News sections are always great Dave and good job here with it. Crucial to keep it updated as much as possible too, for both SEO and visitor/repeat visitor value purposes.

    I’ve got several brands to provide you with plenty of news content if you’re keen on some help – casino news isn’t always the easiest thing to generate! Drop me a pm if you’re interested.


    Thanks Tom for your proposal.
    Can you tell me that where I can publish my news other than at my own site?
    Is there are any news sites where i can publish my news with a link at it?
    please reply,


    Hi Dave,

    There are plenty of channels with which you can seed your news across the internet these days. The obvious choices are social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Digg. The first two are great for creating a community around your site and the news you provide and will help you generate repeat visitors. Are you active on either Twitter or Facebook? If not, I’m sure I could assist you in building up your activity here.

    Alternatively, you could really push your RSS feeds out to visitors and try and form partnerships with relevant bloggers to ensure that the news spreads virally.

    Let me know if you’d like to give any of this a go and I’ll try and help you as much as I can.

    I’ll pm you details of the programs I currently work with to see if there’s any interest there.



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