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  • #619229


    Just wanted to introduce myself again, as I was already a member here about 4, 5 years ago.

    I started with internet like many people – I made pornsites in the beginning, about 8, 9 years ago. But after a short while I found out, that’s nothing for me. A good friend of mine started that time promoting internet casinos. In average he made more then 100 k a month. So enough motivation for me, once I saw all his online stats. And my big dream was always to leave my country (I’m from Munich, Germany). So I gave online casinos a try. And after a short time I made some good, stable money from the casinos. So in 2006 I fiannly could leave Europe.

    Since this time in Asia, Southeast Asia. Thailand, then Cambodia (terrible country btw.) and now Thailand again. Since this 4 years I stay with my Thai girlfriend and as she has some good computer skills, she’s helping me to promote websites.

    Usually I went to Asia to become much more better with my profits. But when my German hoster heard, that I wanted to leave Germany, he had the strange idea, also to relocate to Thailand. Very quick he ran out of money and I helped him a lot. But instead of being thankful, one day he decided to blackmail me: first I found out, he sent some local traffic to his own websites and later he locked all of my domains (at least about 30 domains).

    He asked me (blackmailed!) me to give hin $15.000, that he’ll give me back my domains. I went to the police, but nobody was interested (Thai Police said, I’m German and the German police said, as I lived in Thailand, the Thai polices the one to go to). So I tried to free all my domains. This took me nearly a half year. After that I had enough and as my income from the casinos still came every month from the casinos, I tried several different things on the internet.

    But, I never enjoyed anymore same as with the casinos before. Additionally it was very hard to make internet business from Cambodia (2 mb adsl line $700 a month – not a joke!). So one year ago I went back to Thailand. Here the internet is quite good, but I’m fighting with many blocked internet sites (this country is really successful in blocking websites). However, the last one year I analyzed the internet very intensive and a few month ago I finally decided, to come back to casino promotions, what I have done.

    So I also stumbled over CAp again and I thought, it would be a good idea, to reactivate my account again. So now I’m back here. And have to read a lot here as well



    Hey Tom,

    Welcome back – I have to say Thailand is by far my favourite country in the world and am very jealous of you!

    Good luck getting the sites back online and making the $$$$ again




    Welcome back Tom and good luck


    Good to have you back!! :)

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