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Best ways to advertise

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    What is the best site to advertise with being that the “Big 3” Google, MSN, and Yahoo are opposed to online gaming?

    Your help is greatly appreciated.



    I find google the best anyway. No you cant place ads on google, but you can still get a good ranking from a unique keyword and get traffic that way


    Best way to advertise is to climb the SERPS. It is free and if you climb high enough, you will be next to paid advertisement anyway. Oh, and yes the big 3 are “openly” against gambling, like Pfitzer was “openly” against corruption.


    I think the best way is just to build backlinks and work your way up in the search engines, “The Big 3” are against putting gambling ads on sites but they are not against displaying your site in search results.


    Help me out here please. If advertising is not allowed on these sites and the only way to improve rankings is through SERPS, is there any benefit in PPC campaigns as such .
    If I want to increase traffic, I need to do something. I thought you could use Adwords etc to get placements. Is this not the case? If not what do you suggest?
    Many thanks


    @tooluckynow 209475 wrote:

    Help me out here please. If advertising is not allowed on these sites and the only way to improve rankings is through SERPS, is there any benefit in PPC campaigns as such .
    If I want to increase traffic, I need to do something. I thought you could use Adwords etc to get placements. Is this not the case? If not what do you suggest?
    Many thanks

    I agree with BonusBeast and get your back links up. Its a bit time consuming but it will be worth it with all the traffic you will get from it. Try it out with a few and see what your results are…:hattip:


    Ok backlinks is the best way. Excuse my ignorance – I think this means links to my site from others. am I correct and if so does this mean I ask other sites just to link to me? If so why would they do it? Shouldn’t I have something of value or pay for the links? How do I convince other sites to put links on? I’m sorry if it seems really basic questions but I guess we all have to start somewhere. Many thanks for the answers!


    AdWords does not accept online gambling advertising. Natural search rankings are the only way to gain exposure in the search engines. Yes you will need to get links from other websites and many of them. Spend some time going through these forums and also through an SEO forum to understand the hows and whys of gaining backlinks.

    And be prepared to spend several months and years at it to see good results. This is a hyper-competitive industry online.


    Article marketing is always a good way to go. It can help bring in traffic as well as backlinks which will boost your SERP rankings. Of course, there are a lot of articles out there, so you will want to make sure you write some creative and original ones so they get picked up.


    am I correct and if so does this mean I ask other sites just to link to me? If so why would they do it? Shouldn’t I have something of value or pay for the links? How do I convince other sites to put links on?

    What you have to offer is a backlink on your site going to their site – Link exchange.

    Yep, its a time consuming job but will pay off in the long run.
    You still in the game?
    Buying an old domain name always helps too…!

    Good luck,


    you can advertise in forums, for example our forum has signatures allowed where you can post links, this is very useful as you can post even at the top subforums and your site will be visited more. As well as that the links are do follow.


    Backlinks are huge in SEO. Google will rank you site as more important if it thinks that other sites are linking to yours because they think it is important. Think of it like a popularity contest. The more sites that link to yours the more popular your site is. Google will take notice and rank you higher in the SERPS. Keep in mind that you will get penalized by Google if you have too many back links at once. You need to maintain a steady flow of increasing backlinks overtime. A spike might raise some flags that you are blackhatting your way to get quick traffic. Do a search for “do follow” blogs and forums and post in them, but do it respectfully as you don’t want to piss anyone off in the forums. Also, what you were talking about earlier is call “link exchanging”. You are exchanging links with someone inorder to get a link back to your website. I stay away from this unless I feel a site is relevant and helpfull to me as well as others. I don’t ever downgrade the quality of my site’s reputaion just for one link. Try loading your webpage up with a few keywords, but make the content make sense. Don’t repeat random keywords because who wants to read that when they go to your site anyways? Traffic doesn’t mean squat unless it is targeted. So, target the searchengines to have its spiders crawl your site and look for the keywords you have placed.

    You can get backlinks by white hat or black hat. Black hat can get you banned so be careful. White hat is sllloooowwwww as hell, but is the best way to maintain quality traffic.

    Google a few of the subjects I talked about and you should be able to find more about these subjects by doing a simple search and reading up.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!


    Yes I agree with search engine rankings are the best, but has anyone ever tried classified advertising in print newspaper publications, if so what have the results been, if any. I have actually considered it but would like some feedback if anyone has some.


    rodc;210860 wrote:
    Yes I agree with search engine rankings are the best, but has anyone ever tried classified advertising in print newspaper publications, if so what have the results been, if any. I have actually considered it but would like some feedback if anyone has some.


    I think the biggest issue with this might be that the laws in some countries are grey and you may find yourself in trouble for it. I would definitely double check your country’s laws before taking this step.

    To the OP, I would probably stay clear of PPC unless you know it is targetted since most PPCs are just people getting paid to click an ad, like pure profile or whatever. You may end up putting more money into it than you will ever see a return for when the money could be spent on something more productive like content, link exchanges etc.

    You may also find it easier to rank in the SEs by targeting longtail search terms (i.e. 3+ words).

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