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Some n00b questions

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  • #617550

    Hi all,

    I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for several months and recently started promoting online casinos.

    Please bare with me if my questions are too obvious..

    1. What is the typical visitor-to-signup ratio? For me I get a sign up for every 10 visitors I’m sending to the casino (most of the signups are obviously not depositing anything)

    2. What is the typical signup-to-depositor ratio? Again, for me about 1 out of 10 people who signed up, deposits money.

    3. According to, the typical demographic for online casino websites is a female ~ 35+ years old (for example: – 59% females, 41% ages 35-49). So my question is – why are there so many landing pages with hot chicks on them? Why are they targeting males when most of the visitors are females?

    4. What does “negative carryover” mean exactly?

    Thank you


    The ratios depend on where your visitors come from, how targeted they are, what type of promo you use and how good the casino is at converting them. It can vary a lot but your figures sound nice. :)

    why are there so many landing pages with hot chicks on them? Why are they targeting males when most of the visitors are females?

    Because the site owners are mostly male and can’t see beyond their own noses. :tongue:

    What does “negative carryover” mean exactly?

    When one of your players wins, a percentage of the win is deducted from your earnings. Most places will wipe this clean at the start of the next month, but some carry the negative balance over until the win is absorbed. More often than not the player plays it back in the same month and you are clear, but not always.

    You need to read the T&Cs of each program before you sign up so you make sure you pick the best ones for you.


    Thank you for the reply


    Interesting! I didn’t really get negative carryover before.

    Ruaan K

    Hi DotNose,

    Your questions were handled well by Dominique, but maybe I can shed a little more light.

    Gererally, successful affiliates who send non-incentivized traffic to Lucky 18 have a click to sign-up ratio of 8:1 and sign-up to deposit ratio of 5:1. Obviously, you’re just starting out so the numbers will be a little soft, but you should be aiming for these stats. Keep in mind, that a good online casino will help convert your fun players (ie. in-house conversion team) and process their deposits (ie multiple payment methods).

    Those demographic numbers are accurate. At Lucky 18 we aim for uni-sex appeal. We know who our players are and appealing to carnal appetites is not the appropriate direction. I think most casinos showcase beautiful women in order to have a glitzy Las Vegas image.

    Negative-carryover as Dominique explained so well, has to do with the winnings of one of your players. Should one of your players win, this will affect your revenue. At Lucky 18, we don’t carryover the negative to the next month. So you’ll start with a clean slate every month.

    I hope that helped you out. If you have any further questions feel free to contact me.



    DotNose;204832 wrote:
    Hi all,

    I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for several months and recently started promoting online casinos.

    Please bare with me if my questions are too obvious..

    1. What is the typical visitor-to-signup ratio? For me I get a sign up for every 10 visitors I’m sending to the casino (most of the signups are obviously not depositing anything)

    2. What is the typical signup-to-depositor ratio? Again, for me about 1 out of 10 people who signed up, deposits money.

    3. According to, the typical demographic for online casino websites is a female ~ 35+ years old (for example: – 59% females, 41% ages 35-49). So my question is – why are there so many landing pages with hot chicks on them? Why are they targeting males when most of the visitors are females?

    4. What does “negative carryover” mean exactly?

    Thank you

    DotNose;204832 wrote:
    3. According to, the typical demographic for online casino websites is a female ~ 35+ years old (for example: – 59% females, 41% ages 35-49). So my question is – why are there so many landing pages with hot chicks on them? Why are they targeting males when most of the visitors are females?

    I had no idea about this before, but I guess that explains why it’s very hard to cross market sex and gaming.

    I have to say though, I am going to disagree with Mike (sorry mate, no offence intended) and agree with Dom about the ratios. There are so many factors that can influence the ratios, and to give an average would not be accurate as there may be one or two affiliates who skew it either way. I would say if you have only just started, that your ratios look very good. I would expect that from someone who has been going for a year or two.

    One example is if one affiliate had a site that was offering no deposit bonuses, and another affiliate had a site offering percentage match bonuses. I would expect that the ratio of registrations to deposits on the latter would be higher (ie more deposits per registration) because the people who landed on your site are looking for deposit bonuses, whereas the people who land on the site offering no deposit bonuses are mostly looking for free money and are not likely to deposit.

    The other thing you will notice is that once you build a player base, the ratios will start to get smaller. In this case the negative balances carried forward for brands where you have large player bases wont affect you as much too, although I think it would be hard to find a program that actually carries over negatives these days.

    I actually wrote an artical for iGaming Magazine a month or so ago about commission models (which I don’t believe has been published yet so keep your eye out for it) which explains the pros and cons of each commission model: CPA, RevShare, Tiered, Wager Model.. Might be worth keeping your eye out for that so you can see the general differences between each model since each one has different rules in regards to negatives and minimums etc.

    For example on a CPA model it wont actually matter if your player wins because you are only paid once off for that player. Another example is that on the wager model because you’re paid on wagering, as long as the player is playing you keep getting paid and your commission doesn’t drop from a player win. :)

    Rewards Affiliates

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