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Top converting Cap Approved Casinos?

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  • #614254

    Hello i’m new to casino affiliate marketing. I am building my page surround Cap certified programs. Which programs should i be starting with? My site will be mostly slots, bingo and general casinos and some poker.


    Different affiliates do well for different sites. There is no one single best group or software. I would investigate clearly what others have to say about each program and go from there!


    I agree what works good for me may not work as well for you. I do suggest trying to market more then one program so you can always have some kind of revenue coming in and don’t just depend on one program. I have had several of my top earning programs crash and burn on me in the past so I have learned to try and get as many top earning programs as I can.

    Ken~;191995 wrote:
    Hello i’m new to casino affiliate marketing. I am building my page surround Cap certified programs. Which programs should i be starting with? My site will be mostly slots, bingo and general casinos and some poker.

    another advice is to pick the programs that cater to your region, depending on where you estimate that most of your traffic will come from, it can be worth wile focusing on brands that has a present in those regions (tv and printed adds), should help your conversion.



    One other consideration is that yes it is wise to spread yourself out … don’t do that based just on being spread out. In other words don’t list every casino you come across thinking it is a “service” to your readers (as many say that is their reasoning for listing some places).

    1st is obvious. Listing any place that isn’t player-friendly is a dis-service. Even when listing free money casinos because In the long run they will endure so much BS that only the hardest core will feel you did them a favor by listing that casino …

    2nd is not quite as obvious. You list a place that is player-friendly .. or at least not proven different … but they are known to be aff-unfriendly. They have quotas or are one of those mysterious casino groups that consistently earns less (by considerable margin) than the rest .. even when given same or better ad space. – well you can’t do your readers a lot of good by going out of business so you need to get paid + if those places would cheat you then they will if not now … at some point be a danger of cheating the player.

    Lets face it the casinos are all basically the same especially if using same software … so if you have (most) every brand of software represented … and you are listing what you consider to be the best casinos in each brand category … those being both player and aff friendly … then you can’t lose.

    If the player goes thru all your listings (because you feel my way is not enough to offer) and they go to another site and join a casino there which turns out to be INFERIOR to the experiences they had at your site … where do you suppose they’ll go next?

    okay lets say they are a little dull and still choose another inferior casino from competitors site: and it happens again.

    Point being that at some point along the way the player is going to figure out that maybe there was a reason you didn’t have so many casinos listed and that it was a good one.

    And finally though it may not seem like you have a lot to offer in comparison to other portals .. but remember what I said above … and take my word for it that even if you have only a couple or three sponsors listed …… that it is unlikely any one player would ever work their way all the way thru the casino list you have.

    let me re-phrase that: any good player that is worth having … won’t make their way thru your list,

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