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Help me, help !!! Help help

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  • #611768

    I have my website about a year now and I update the site regularly, I use google webmaster tool, I promote at some forums, I have link exchange…. I even bought some traffic in the past and also used to have traffic exchange.


    Please somebody, what am I doing wrong?
    Help me please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Which website are you referring to ?


    Sorry, I am reffering to heaven4gamblers

    The poker site is just up and running, so rather new.


    What keywords are you targeting?

    First think about removing the word haven4gamblers from the first and most important spot in your title.

    and you have the same title and description on every page!!!!
    Those must be different for every single page!!

    So… if the page is about Rival-casinos, use those words in the title and maybe also in the description.

    Dat zal een hoop oplossen…:)

    ps. You got a sitemap?


    Just like elgoog has suggested with the keywords and I am really surprised that the google analyzer did not pick up the fact that all your pages are titled the same. Try using a few long tailed keywords as well.


    Would one of you also be so kind to check the poker website for me?

    Somehow It is very diffcult to change the meta on gamblers because of the hosting I use (is normaly a free hosting account).


    My two cents.

    Go to and submit your site there if you haven’t already.

    For the pages having some keywords in the url (if it’s relevant) would help. Also keyword density is something that you need to bear in mind.

    Try looking for some one way inbound links.

    Make sure you have a sitemap and submit it to google.

    Keep a tab on the webmaster page on google to view stats for your website and tweak it according to the keywords.

    Hope this helps.



    I have contacted the support of my host to see how I can change the tags.

    Also I see this a lot, one way links, but how do you get those links?

    Is this the code for a Title tag: or just

    By the way, thanks for the support so far…


    same goes for your poker website
    it must be possible for sure to have different title tags and description tags on a free host

    you use a sitemanager now on freewebs?
    if so look for the spot to fill up title and description for a single page (i don’t know that sitemanager, just hoping it is possible)

    but i understand you pay for it now
    than you will have ftp access
    start dowloading the pages to your own computer
    edit the title and description with a website editor or notepad (not word or frontpage)
    and than upload via ftp (use filezilla e.g.)

    i see you are already changing it :)
    [edit] your pokersite is on wordpress,easy to change within wordpress


    Poker has been updated and changed.

    But that stupid freewebs hosting doesn’t offer multiple title tags, just one.

    I think I have to move to another hosting and build my site up again :-(


    Just a bit of advice that I had asked at the beginning of my site about keywords…

    If I am correct in saying, there are too many keywords in your meta tags, at least for your homepage. You have 13, and I was recommended to have 5 main ones or so. Not much more than that.

    What I do also, is use a Keyword Density Checker here:

    I do this for each page, and use the words that come up in the top 5, i.e. casino, online, bonus, gambling, slots.

    Hope this’ll help :hattip:


    @VegasAffiliates 179425 wrote:

    My two cents.

    Go to and submit your site there if you haven’t already.

    Good advice. It also advises you of certain problems like dupe titles and descriptions.



    I have testes my websites with some seo optimizers, but none of them tell me I have to many keywords? Sometimes discription is to short of title to long, but never the keyword problem?
    Is this really true?

    Also I thought that keyword are the least important these days?

    @bc4u 180446 wrote:

    Just a bit of advice that I had asked at the beginning of my site about keywords…

    If I am correct in saying, there are too many keywords in your meta tags, at least for your homepage. You have 13, and I was recommended to have 5 main ones or so. Not much more than that.

    What I do also, is use a Keyword Density Checker here:

    I do this for each page, and use the words that come up in the top 5, i.e. casino, online, bonus, gambling, slots.

    Hope this’ll help :hattip:


    @Simmo! 180448 wrote:

    Good advice. It also advises you of certain problems like dupe titles and descriptions.

    Thanks for all the help!

    I have added my websites to google webmaster tools and indeed very good !!!

    byebyebaby;180453 wrote:

    I have testes my websites with some seo optimizers, but none of them tell me I have to many keywords? Sometimes discription is to short of title to long, but never the keyword problem?
    Is this really true?

    Also I thought that keyword are the least important these days?

    Some people say they are important and some don’t… But from recent experience, I have noticed that they are important and have seen that the page that has been most visited on my site (Grand Mondial), was because I had those 2 words in my keyword tags for my homepage. So also Google saw the review page of Grand Mondial as a priority page and moved it up.

    As far as how many… I’ve been told that this is the case, that 5 keywords is a good number to have. Of course, the keywords should appear in your title and description a couple of times each if possible too.. Again from my experience, I have seen this in action with my site.

    Hope this is all good advice

    Good luck :)

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