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    How long does it normally take before a new site is indexed by Google or Live Search?

    I have added the site to Google with their Google Webmaster tool, and I have also added a site map.
    But after a week the site is not still indexed.
    Is that normal?

    Mister Gambler


    Well you need to make sure your not in the sandbox with google first off and if your there it takes months to come out of it. Be sure to get high quality links to other sites related to your sites content, be sure you have a site map so the bots can find their way through your site easy and then I guess just read and learn all you can to improve your site.


    Hmmm odd…with Webmastertools (WMT) and a sitemap I don’t normally have to wait more than 48hrs, and in one case recently, it was in the index within 30 mins. You won’t get quick rankings (or if you do it’s very temporary), but check in the search just to make sure it’s not there, then check WMT for scan errors and an update as to when they visited.


    @mistergambler 175999 wrote:

    How long does it normally take before a new site is indexed by Google or Live Search?

    I have added the site to Google with their Google Webmaster tool, and I have also added a site map.
    But after a week the site is not still indexed.
    Is that normal?

    Mister Gambler

    With Google I had easy time, I’m sure if you have Google toolbar installed it will gather info about what pages you visit (and you definitely visit your own :P) and G sends its bots quickly (happened to me that I was developing a website in a secret place and G started to crawl it without any link out there to the website, or without any submission).
    Also when my website was just ready I submitted some of the interesting pages to digg, stumbleupon, delicious, etc, these websites are crawled very frequently and Google will find the link to your website quicker.

    Sandboxing is another thing, it doesn’t have any relation to the amount of pages you have in the index, it just ranks you lower because of the site’s young age.

    Regarding MSN, well, after almost 3 months MSN is way lazy to crawl my website, last I checked 1 week ago, it only indexed 2 or 3 pages from my website. Joke…


    Your website loads very slow with me, like 1 minute or so?
    Is that just me? Or maybe that is a problem with google?


    Hi Mister,

    It might not help but I would be happy to add a link to your site for free until it gets picked up? That said, this thread has been indexed and google didnt follow your link.

    PM me if you want a link.


    byebyebaby;176842 wrote:
    Your website loads very slow with me, like 1 minute or so?
    Is that just me? Or maybe that is a problem with google?

    It’s fine for me, around 1 second to load.


    I’m no seo wiz but this is the robots file:

    User-Agent: *
    Disallow: /links
    Allow: /sv
    Allow: /
    Disallow: /admin

    Could google bots be blocked by somethiong here?
    I really don’t see anything else that would cause a problem…


    Thank you very much for all the replies, but I guess I have to try another domain and check if that will be indexed.

    Windows Live has now indexed one page… yiipiiee!


    My site is still not indexed by google, and I can’t figure out why.

    But I registered a new domain, and it got indexed after one day.

    I looked at the whois information for the domain and it has been registered before and dropped, maybe the owner before me did something strange and google has banned it.

    Does anybody else had this problem?

    I guess I’ve learnt that I have to check the history for the domain before I will buy it.


    Or maybe Kentucky decided they owned it..:Cry: You have signed up for a google webmaster account and done all the tool checking there?




    strange indeed.
    do you have some decent links going to the site?
    is it all duplicate content or unique?


    If I look at the Crawl stats for the Google Webmaster Tools I see that google has crawled since september but no pages has been indexed.

    And for my new site google has indexed the site from day one, and it is based on the same code and content.

    I did send a mail to google, but of course I have not got any answer.

    But thanks for your replies.

    Mister Gambler
    Casino Bonusar


    maybe fill out a reconsideration/re-inclusion request in webmastertools

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